Bug #1426 support for gbk character set failed!
Submitted: 29 Sep 2003 1:24 Modified: 2 Oct 2003 21:44
Reporter: 999whitenight 999whitenight Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Websites: bugs.mysql.com Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:mysql 4.1.0-0 OS:Windows (windows2000)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[29 Sep 2003 1:24] 999whitenight 999whitenight
my mysql is installed in 'd:\pro\mysql' directory.
when I use character-set of latin1 or binary,etc?Cthe mysql database service runs well.These are the coperations I executed:
execute'D:\pro\mysql\bin>mysqld --default-character-set=latin1',then the service runs well:

But when I tried character-set of 'big5','gbk' or 'gb2312',the database service went wrong.These are the coperations I executed:
execute 'D:\pro\mysql\bin>mysqld --default-character-set=gbk' in the command line?Cit returned the following error messages:

mysqld: File 'D:\pro\mysql\share\charsets\gbk.xml' not found (Errcode: 2)
mysqld: Character set 'gbk' is not a compiled character set and is not specified in the 'D:\pro\mysql\share\charsets\Index.xml' file
030929  8:48:12  Aborting

The problem doesn't exist in lower versions of mysql. And I asked many people about it,they said it is a bug!

How to repeat:
my mysql is installed in 'd:\pro\mysql' directory?B
when I use character-set of latin1 or binary,etc?Cthe mysql database service runs well?BThese are the coperations I executed?F
execute'D:\pro\mysql\bin>mysqld --default-character-set=latin1',then the service runs well?B

But when I tried character-set of 'big5','gbk' or 'gb2312'?Cthe database service went wrong.These are the coperations I executed:
execute 'D:\pro\mysql\bin>mysqld --default-character-set=gbk' in the command line?Cit returned the following error messages:

mysqld: File 'D:\pro\mysql\share\charsets\gbk.xml' not found (Errcode: 2)
mysqld: Character set 'gbk' is not a compiled character set and is not specified in the 'D:\pro\mysql\share\charsets\Index.xml' file
030929  8:48:12  Aborting

The problem doesn't exist in lower versions of mysql. And I asked many people about it,they said it is a bug!
[2 Oct 2003 21:44] MySQL Verification Team
Please follow up the bug #312 regarding to character sets on 4.1.0 release.