Bug #14 query results in a differnt number of rows depending if sql_big_tables
Submitted: 21 Dec 2002 9:21 Modified: 27 Dec 2002 20:46
Reporter: Michael Widenius Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:3.23.44 OS:
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[21 Dec 2002 9:21] Michael Widenius
This query results in a differnt number of rows depending if sql_big_tables
is set.

select count(incidents.ref_no) from incidents, labels where
incidents.ref_no like '020531%' group by labels.label, incidents.ref_no;

I uploaded the tables involved to

How to repeat:
[27 Dec 2002 20:46] MySQL Developer
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has already been fixed
in the latest released version of that product, which you can download at 

Fixed in 3.23.55