Bug #13856 | Junk contents of third argument to mysql_options trips up mysql_real_connect. | ||
Submitted: | 7 Oct 2005 19:44 | Modified: | 16 Nov 2005 11:12 |
Reporter: | Andrew Stone | Email Updates: | |
Status: | No Feedback | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server | Severity: | S5 (Performance) |
Version: | 3.23.58 | OS: | Linux (Linux) |
Assigned to: | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[7 Oct 2005 19:44]
Andrew Stone
[11 Oct 2005 9:47]
Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report. Please, provide a complete test case (all the code, not only a snippet) - looks like you have it already. Please, also inform about the MySQL server version and compiler used.
[11 Oct 2005 21:43]
Andrew Stone
The MySQL DB version for this bug is 3.23.58. The C code for this bug was compiled under gcc version 3.3.3 20040412 (Red Hat Linux 3.3.3-7). The complete C function that this bug occured in is as follows: provider_struct *load_providers(void) { int i = 0; int j = 0; int account_fields = 0; int account_count = 0; int provider_count = 0; MYSQL_ROW provider_row = NULL; MYSQL_ROW account_row = NULL; MYSQL_RES *ucc_provider_result = NULL; MYSQL_RES *ucc_account_result = NULL; char timeout_value[128]; char mysql_statement[1024]; provider_struct *providers; /* Initialize our MySQL connection */ if (!(ucc_cluster = mysql_init(ucc_cluster))) { fprintf(stderr, "\nUnable to initialize MySQL DB object, quitting.\n"); return(NULL); } /* Set the MySQL options */ //memset(timeout_value, 0, sizeof(timeout_value)); sprintf(timeout_value, "%d", UCC_TIMEOUT); mysql_options(ucc_cluster, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, timeout_value); /* Establish the MySQL connection */ if (!mysql_real_connect(ucc_cluster, UCC_PROVIDER_DB_RW_HOST, UCC_PROVIDER_DB_RW_USER, UCC_PROVIDER_DB_RW_PASS, UCC_PROVIDER_DB_NAME, UCC_PROVIDER_DB_RW_PORT, NULL, 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "\nUnable to connect to MySQL DB, quitting. Error: %s, Code:%d\n", mysql_error(ucc_cluster), mysql_errno(ucc_cluster)); return(NULL); } /* get the number of providers */ mysql_query(ucc_cluster, "SELECT id FROM provider"); ucc_provider_result = mysql_store_result(ucc_cluster); provider_count = mysql_num_rows(ucc_provider_result); /* Now allocate the array of provider structs */ providers = malloc(sizeof(provider_struct) * provider_count); /* Initialize the provider data structs */ for (i = 0; i < provider_count; i++) { sprintf(mysql_statement, "SELECT * FROM provider where id = '%d'", i + 1); mysql_query(ucc_cluster, mysql_statement); ucc_provider_result = mysql_store_result(ucc_cluster); if ((provider_row = mysql_fetch_row(ucc_provider_result))) { providers[i].id = atoi(provider_row[0]); strlcpy(providers[i].name, provider_row[1], sizeof(providers[i].name)); strlcpy(providers[i].address, provider_row[2], sizeof(providers[i].address)); providers[i].active = atoi(provider_row[3]); /* Figure out how many accounts this provider has */ sprintf(mysql_statement, "SELECT * FROM account where provider_id = '%d'", i + 1); mysql_query(ucc_cluster, mysql_statement); ucc_account_result = mysql_store_result(ucc_cluster); if ((account_fields = mysql_num_fields(ucc_account_result)) != 7) { fprintf(stderr, "\nIncorrect number of fields returned from account table. Expected 7, got %d. Quitting.\n", account_fields); return (NULL); } account_count = mysql_num_rows(ucc_account_result); providers[i].accounts = y_safe_malloc(account_count * sizeof(account_struct)); /* clear the memory for consistency */ memset(providers[i].accounts, 0, account_count * sizeof(account_struct)); account_row = mysql_fetch_row(ucc_account_result); for (j = 0; j < account_count; j++) { providers[i].accounts[j].id = atoi(account_row[0]); strlcpy(providers[i].accounts[j].user, account_row[1], sizeof(providers[i].accounts[j].user)); strlcpy(providers[i].accounts[j].pass, account_row[2], sizeof(providers[i].accounts[j].pass)); providers[i].accounts[j].num_conns = atoi(account_row[3]); providers[i].accounts[j].active = atoi(account_row[5]); providers[i].accounts[j].num_conns = atoi(account_row[6]); } } } return providers; }
[16 Oct 2005 11:08]
Valeriy Kravchuk
Simplified test case
Attachment: 13856.c (text/x-csrc), 593 bytes.
[16 Oct 2005 11:12]
Valeriy Kravchuk
Please, take a look at the minimal simplified test case I had uploaded as a file 13856.c. When I build a program out of it, as usual, and runs the results, it gives me two rows with client and server version, like these: [openxs@Fedora 4.1]$ CFG=/home/openxs/DBS/4.1/bin/mysql_config [openxs@Fedora 4.1]$ gcc -o 13856 `$CFG --cflags` 13856.c `$CFG --libs` [openxs@Fedora 4.1]$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`/lib/mysql [openxs@Fedora 4.1]$ ./13856 Client info: 4.1.16 Server info: 4.1.16-debug Note, that there is no memset() call in the text. If I understood you right, this test case will not work in your system. Please, try and inform about the results. Or, just add any needed modifications that show the problem you described.
[17 Nov 2005 0:00]
Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the information that was originally requested, please do so and change the status of the bug back to "Open".