Bug #13661 Deleted table objects not removed from the object tree
Submitted: 30 Sep 2005 14:57 Modified: 2 Oct 2005 12:21
Reporter: Owen Franssen Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Preview Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.0.2 alpha OS:Windows (Windows XP SP2)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[30 Sep 2005 14:57] Owen Franssen
Selecting an object on the canvas and then selecting Edit > Delete Selection or using the CTRL + Del shortcut removes the object from the graphical display, however, it is still present in the object tree and can still be manipulated from there.

How to repeat:
Create a table object. Select the new object and delete it using either the menu option or the CTRL + Del shortcut.
[2 Oct 2005 12:21] Vasily Kishkin
Thanks for the bug report. I was able to reproduce the bug. I attached screen copy.
[2 Oct 2005 12:21] Vasily Kishkin
screen copy

Attachment: 13661.GIF (image/gif, text), 94.37 KiB.