We did a test that like the TPC-W test against to the server. During the test, we use the performance monitor of the Linux OS to watch the used quantity of the physical memory. The quantity is increasing during the all process. It decrease 50% until we kill the service of the mysql, but it didn't revert to the initial quantity. So it should be occur a memory leak error.
How to repeat:
1.setup the environment like the tpc-w test. Produce 800eb 10000item's data by the ./ant gendb.
2.execute the following scripts (note: the path should be modified)
mysql -Dtpcw -uroot -p123456
SELECT * FROM address INTO OUTFILE 'E:\\lxh\\databak\\10000-800\\tt1';
SELECT * FROM author INTO OUTFILE 'E:\\lxh\\databak\\10000-800\\tt2';
SELECT * FROM cc_xacts INTO OUTFILE 'E:\\lxh\\databak\\10000-800\\tt3';
SELECT * FROM country INTO OUTFILE 'E:\\lxh\\databak\\10000-800\\tt4';
SELECT * FROM customer INTO OUTFILE 'E:\\lxh\\databak\\10000-800\\tt5';
SELECT * FROM item INTO OUTFILE 'E:\\lxh\\databak\\10000-800\\tt6';
SELECT * FROM orders INTO OUTFILE 'E:\\lxh\\databak\\10000-800\\tt7';
SELECT * FROM order_line INTO OUTFILE 'E:\\lxh\\databak\\10000-800\\tt8';
3.Do the database restore by the following statements
mysql -Dtpcw -uroot -p123456
truncate table address;
truncate table author;
truncate table cc_xacts;
truncate table country;
truncate table customer;
truncate table item;
truncate table orders;
truncate table order_line;
truncate table shopping_cart;
truncate table shopping_cart_line;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'E:\\lxh\\databak\\10000-800\\tt1' INTO TABLE address;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'E:\\lxh\\databak\\10000-800\\tt2' INTO TABLE author;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'E:\\lxh\\databak\\10000-800\\tt3' INTO TABLE cc_xacts;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'E:\\lxh\\databak\\10000-800\\tt4' INTO TABLE country;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'E:\\lxh\\databak\\10000-800\\tt5' INTO TABLE customer;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'E:\\lxh\\databak\\10000-800\\tt6' INTO TABLE item;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'E:\\lxh\\databak\\10000-800\\tt7' INTO TABLE orders;
LOAD DATA INFILE 'E:\\lxh\\databak\\10000-800\\tt8' INTO TABLE order_line;
During the restore, watch the change of the used quantity of physical memory by the performance monitor of the Linux.