Bug #13580 connection error dialog box doesn't display username
Submitted: 28 Sep 2005 17:44 Modified: 28 Sep 2005 18:01
Reporter: Ellen Ratajak Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Query Browser Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.1.1-beta OS:MacOS (Mac OS X 10.4.2)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[28 Sep 2005 17:44] Ellen Ratajak
I'm getting an access denied error and I can't read the username--only the very tops of the taller letters show up.  It's like there isn't enough room in the dialog box on the Mac for the username field to display in.

In case it matters, I'm using a 15" PowerPC G4 PowerBook (1.1).

How to repeat:
Try accessing any legitimate DB server with an invalid username/password combination.  This should produce the "access denied" error, and only the very top of the username should display, so it'll look like:

Error: Access denied for user:
..  ... ..   ...  . . ...
Click the 'Ping Host' button to see if there is a network problem.

Suggested fix:
Resizing the dialog box?  Increasing the amount of space for the username field?
[28 Sep 2005 18:00] Jorge del Conde

I wasn't able to reporduce this problem.  Can you please check that you have correct user provileges associated to the username that you're using to connect to mysqld ?
