Bug #13415 Case sensitivity of table names
Submitted: 23 Sep 2005 1:43 Modified: 11 Oct 2005 4:47
Reporter: [ name withheld ] Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:MySQL 4,1,14 OS:Windows (WIndows/Linux)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[23 Sep 2005 1:43] [ name withheld ]
I've read some posts of case sensitivity issue in the forums, especially 
http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?10,17924,18397#msg-18397 by Jon Stephens.

There is a problem. I'm using a Linux as a primary server and an Windows as a backup, for "backup" it means they both run a standalone MySQL (NOT master/slave) and periodically transfer database from Linux to Windows using command "mysqldump ...|mysql ...". When Linux hangs the client programs are switched to backup server manually and it works OK because although the table names in both Linux and client program are case sensitive, mysqld in windows converts them to lower case automatically. But problem arised when I restore data from Windows to Linux (using "mysqldump ...|mysql ..."). The restored tables are all named lowercase and mysqld in Linux doesn't convert table names in SQL statements to lower.

How to repeat:
As described

Suggested fix:
I suggest adding an option to mysqld windows version indicating the preservation of case when executing SQL command "create table".
Also, the mysqldump Windows version preserves case acordingly.
[6 Oct 2005 20:53] Hartmut Holzgraefe
Isn't "lower_case_table_namse=2" already doing what you are looking for? 	

"Table and database names are stored on disk using the lettercase specified in the CREATE TABLE or CREATE DATABASE statement, but MySQL converts them to lowercase on lookup. Name comparisons are not case sensitive. Note: This works only on filesystems that are not case sensitive! InnoDB table names are stored in lowercase, as for lower_case_table_names=1. Setting lower_case_table_names to 2 can be done as of MySQL 4.0.18."
[11 Oct 2005 4:47] [ name withheld ]
Thanks very much. That's indeed what I want!