Bug #134 Server crashes when sorting with some sort parameters setting
Submitted: 7 Mar 2003 22:33 Modified: 13 Mar 2003 9:53
Reporter: Igor Babaev Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.0.x OS:Any (All)
Assigned to: Igor Babaev CPU Architecture:Any

[7 Mar 2003 22:33] Igor Babaev
A query that requires sorting with very long keys such that the sort buffer cannot contain more than 6 keys causes a crash of the server.

How to repeat:
1. Start the server with the following parameter setting:
--sort_buffer_size=32K --max_sort_length=8096

2. Run the following script by the mysql utility:

use test;

drop table if exists t;
create table t (a char(8096));
insert into t values ('Y'), ('Z'),
  ('Q'), ('R'), ('S'), ('T'), ('U'), ('V'), ('W'), ('X'),
  ('I'), ('J'), ('K'), ('L'), ('M'), ('N'), ('O'), ('P'),
  ('A'), ('B'), ('C'), ('D'), ('E'), ('F'), ('G'), ('H')
select left(a, 2) from t;
select left(a, 2) from t order by a; 

drop table t;