Bug #13190 Reverse Engineering doesn't work
Submitted: 14 Sep 2005 17:40 Modified: 16 Sep 2005 5:32
Reporter: [ name withheld ] Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Preview Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.0.0a OS:MacOS (MacOS X 10.4.2)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[14 Sep 2005 17:40] [ name withheld ]
When using the reverse engineering assistant, it's impossible to connect to a server (tested with MySQL 4.1 and MySQL 5.0 on local and remote machine) and/or to select a schema.

How to repeat:
Failed server connection

1) Start the software
2) Go to "Database", "Reverse Engineer..."
3) Source Connection
    - RDBMS/Driver
      - Database System: MySQL Server
      - Driver: MySQL Native Driver
    - Connection Parameters
      - Stored Connections: <New Connection>
      - Hostname:
      - Port: 3308
      - Username: root
      - Password: ****
4) Click on "Next"
5) (x) Connect to source database system
    (x) Retrieve schema information from source database system
6a) Click on "Next", Workbench crashes
6b) "Show less" - nothing happens
6c) "Show less", then "Show more" - nothing happens
6d) Click on "Back", we still see the screen from 5.

(x) = Red cross in white circle
[14 Sep 2005 20:12] Jorge del Conde
Thanks for your bug report!
[16 Sep 2005 5:32] Alfredo Kojima
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has already been fixed
in the latest released version of that product, which you can download at 
[16 Sep 2005 8:40] [ name withheld ]
It assistant works better, but it's still impossible to connect to a server. I made two screenshots that show the problem. The other window next to workbench is the MySQL Query Browser where the connection with the same settings works as expected.

- http://www.sopic.com/workbench/re_connection.png
- http://www.sopic.com/workbench/re_error.png

P.S: When the error occured and you click on "Next", Workbench still crashes. What about making the next button "not clickable"?