Bug #1312 Install- bad linker option: -Lyes/lib
Submitted: 16 Sep 2003 14:38 Modified: 6 Oct 2003 0:20
Reporter: Allen Williams Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / ODBC Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:3.51 OS:Linux (Linux)
Assigned to: Venu Anuganti CPU Architecture:Any

[16 Sep 2003 14:38] Allen Williams
In the "make" phase of installation, libtool bombs with the message:

libtool: link: `-Lyes/lib' cannot specify a relative directory
make: *** [libmyodbc3.la] Error 1

This is using the distribution that comes with unixODBC.

How to repeat:
Get the unixODBC tarball, unzip/ untar, configure, make, and make install unixODBC.

Navigate to unixodbc-2.2.6/Drivers/MySQL directory.

Run the following commands, AFTER you fix the last bug I reported, #1311, "Install- undefined variable in options.c":

./configure --with-unixodbc

Suggested fix:
On line 97 of the Makefile, remove the reference to -Lyes/lib.
[26 Sep 2003 0:03] Venu Anuganti
Hi !!

Please ALWAYS use the driver source distribution from www.mysql.com instead of from unixODBC, which may not be up2date or accurate.

[26 Sep 2003 0:03] Venu Anuganti
Hi !!

Please ALWAYS use the driver source distribution from www.mysql.com instead of from unixODBC, which may not be up2date or accurate.
