Bug #12989 Compiler crash ("icc") on translating
Submitted: 5 Sep 2005 11:14 Modified: 11 Oct 2005 10:15
Reporter: Joerg Bruehe Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Compiling Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:4.0.26 OS:Linux (Linux (x86_64) icc)
Assigned to: Lenz Grimmer CPU Architecture:Any

[5 Sep 2005 11:14] Joerg Bruehe
Building release 4.0.26.

"icc" (8.1) crashes on "myisam/mi_search.c".
It worked on 4.0.24, failed on 4.0.25 and 4.0.26.

Command trace and isolated source are attached.

How to repeat:
Build on "nocona".

Suggested fix:
Compiler correction.
[5 Sep 2005 11:17] Joerg Bruehe
Trace of environment setup and compiler call

Attachment: mi_search.cmd_trace (application/octet-stream, text), 1.59 KiB.

[5 Sep 2005 11:17] Joerg Bruehe
Preprocessed source causing the crash.

Attachment: mi_search.E.c.gz (application/x-gzip, text), 45.62 KiB.

[11 Oct 2005 10:15] Lenz Grimmer
I tried to reproduce this with icc 9.0 and the compiler does not crash anymore. As we have switched from icc 8.1 to 9.0 by now, I think we can close this bug as fixed.