Bug #12909 mysqlcheck -c -F --auto-repair should also repair crashed table
Submitted: 31 Aug 2005 13:14 Modified: 31 Aug 2005 13:16
Reporter: jocelyn fournier (Silver Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.1.14 OS:Linux (linux)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[31 Aug 2005 13:14] jocelyn fournier

If a table is marked as crashed, and -F option is used with -c and --auto-repair option, MySQL will not repair table reported as crashed.

How to repeat:
Take a table marked as crashed, and do mysqlcheck -c -F --auto-repair on it.

[root@no1dev] /home/mysql/test> mysqlcheck -c -F --auto-repair test -uroot -p                                                 <15:06:15
Enter password: 
warning  : Table is marked as crashed
error    : Size of datafile is: 10         Should be: 27
error    : Corrupt
test.t2                                            Table is already up to date
test.testac                                        Table is already up to date
test.testad                                        Table is already up to date
[root@no1dev] /home/mysql/test> 

=> table t1 is not repaired here, although it's reported as crashed during the check phase.

Suggested fix:
If -F and -c --auto-repair options are used with mysqlcheck, MySQL should repair tables already marked as crashed.

[31 Aug 2005 13:16] jocelyn fournier
Ok, finally it's a duplicate of bug 12253 which is already fixed.