Bug #12824 CREATE PROCEDURE fails
Submitted: 26 Aug 2005 8:22 Modified: 26 Aug 2005 9:53
Reporter: Wim-Bart van der Waals Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.11beta OS:Windows (Windows XP,2000,2003)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[26 Aug 2005 8:22] Wim-Bart van der Waals
When calling 'create procedure'  te server crashes with event:
Application Error
  Catagory: (100)
  Type: Error
  Event-ID: 1000

0000: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74   Applicat
0008: 69 6f 6e 20 46 61 69 6c   ion Fail
0010: 75 72 65 20 20 6d 79 73   ure  mys
0018: 71 6c 64 2d 6e 74 2e 65   qld-nt.e
0020: 78 65 20 30 2e 30 2e 30   xe 0.0.0
0028: 2e 30 20 69 6e 20 6d 79   .0 in my
0030: 73 71 6c 64 2d 6e 74 2e   sqld-nt.
0038: 65 78 65 20 30 2e 30 2e   exe 0.0.
0040: 30 2e 30 20 61 74 20 6f   0.0 at o
0048: 66 66 73 65 74 20 30 30   ffset 00
0050: 31 32 65 36 34 36         12e646  

It does not make any difference in the type of create. For example the simple create:

create procedure my_procedure()

crashes the server.

When upgrading from 5.0.7 to 5.0.11 stored procedures are lost completely from the database.

How to repeat:
Just create a procedure.
[26 Aug 2005 8:27] Andrey Hristov
Did you upgrade your system tables, because mysql.proc where SP are stored has changed its structure between 5.0.9 and 5.0.10?
[26 Aug 2005 9:53] Wim-Bart van der Waals
Problem is fixed by upgrading tables.