Bug #12804 Create table with a column named release passes on v4 and fails on v5
Submitted: 25 Aug 2005 13:58 Modified: 25 Aug 2005 14:14
Reporter: Adi Gati Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0 OS:Windows (Windows)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[25 Aug 2005 13:58] Adi Gati
I have a table which is created using the following command.

create table adi
 (release text null);

The command passes in MySQL version 4.1.1, and fails in version 5.0

If you change the name of the column from release into releaseN for example the command will pass.

How to repeat:
Run the command -

 create table adi
 (release text null);

It will fails on version 5.0 and it will succeeded on version 4.1.1
[25 Aug 2005 14:14] MySQL Verification Team
Release is a reserved word, please see:


and Manual how to handle reserved words using `word`
[25 Aug 2005 14:50] Adi Gati
Then how come it works on version 4.1.1?