Bug #12553 When installing via RPM my.cnf is not created in Suse 9
Submitted: 12 Aug 2005 14:46 Modified: 8 Sep 2005 20:17
Reporter: Brett Littrell Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:4.1.130 OS:Linux (Suse Linux Enterprise Server 9)
Assigned to: Lenz Grimmer CPU Architecture:Any

[12 Aug 2005 14:46] Brett Littrell
I have done this several times with the same result.

I create a clean install of Suse Enterprise Server 9 without the mysql packages.  I run all the updates for the OS.  Finally I install the RPM for mysql standard server.  

    Everything looks fine, most of the files seem to copy over but my.cnf does not.  Looking in the RPM file list it does show the /etc/my.cnf should be in the package but it is not in the /etc directory.  I then ran a find files from the root and could not find the file either.  

    When I install SLES 9 with the mysql option it will install the the my.cnf then so the package that comes with SLES seems fine but that is also the 4.0 mysql..

    So I think the SLES9 RPM is bugged or just plain missing the my.cnf file.

How to repeat:
Reinstall OS, install the SLES RPM.

Suggested fix:
Check RPM, make sure that my.cnf is actually in it and update the mirror site.
[8 Sep 2005 20:17] Lenz Grimmer
This is done intentionally. Even though the RPMs do not include a my.cnf file, we mark the location of where it's supposed to be put in the RPM database. As it's marked as a "ghost" configuration file, RPM will not touch it, if it exits.

Take a look at the RPM spec file:

%ghost %config(noreplace,missingok) %{_sysconfdir}/my.cnf

See http://www.rpm.org/max-rpm-snapshot/s1-rpm-inside-files-list-directives.html for more info on that.