Bug #1252 Users reloaded upon re-instalation
Submitted: 11 Sep 2003 10:02 Modified: 27 Sep 2008 9:03
Reporter: Steve Maze Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:4/0.15 OS:Windows (Windows XP)
Assigned to: Mark Matthews CPU Architecture:Any

[11 Sep 2003 10:02] Steve Maze
Users were deleted and the 4 default users added after de-installation of 4.0.13 and installation of 4.0.15.

How to repeat:
1. Install 4.0.13 using the Windows installer.

2. Start MySql service using 'NET START MYSQL'.

3. Remove users '@%' and '@localhost'.  Add one or more new users.

4. Stop the MySql service using 'NET STOP MYSQL'.

5. De-install 4.0.13 using Control Panel / Add or Remove Programs.

6. Install 4.0.15 using the Windows installer.

7. Start MySql service using 'NET START MYSQL'.

At this point the users removed in step 3 have been recreated and the users added in step 3 have been dropped.

Suggested fix:
Users and thier privalages should be preserved when MySql is De-installed.  If users already exist (this is not a clean install) the installation should not add or modify the user table.
[11 Sep 2003 10:36] Mark Matthews
Was your intention to upgrade your MySQL installation? The installer does not overwrite these files if this is an existing installation (I just tested it). However, if MySQL has been uninstalled, InstallShield overwrites the files in the 'data' directory, even though the component has been marked 'never overwrite'.

We are developing a new installer for MySQL 4.1 that is MSI-based and should not have this problem. In the meantime we will try and find out whether it is possible to fix the existing InstallShield-based installer.
[11 Sep 2003 10:41] Steve Maze
The intent was to upgrade.  The reason that I do the de-install first is to eliminate all of the redundant entries in Add or Remove programs if I do not.  In either case, the user information should not be overwritten.  Until 4.1 comes along, I will manage through this issue.

If this is going to be fixed in 4.1 by using MSI, that's fine and I don't think that it is a good use of development resources to fix now.  There are other things that are more important; for me this means views ;-}

Thanks for your quick response.
[2 Dec 2003 9:34] Mark Matthews
Deferred to new installer for 4.1
[27 Sep 2008 9:03] Konstantin Osipov
Fixed with the new installer for Windows.