Bug #12430 Upgrade problem from 1.5.2 to 1.6.0
Submitted: 8 Aug 2005 11:29 Modified: 8 Aug 2005 14:45
Reporter: Patrick McAndrew Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Eventum Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Windows (Windows)
Assigned to: Joao Prado Maia CPU Architecture:Any

[8 Aug 2005 11:29] Patrick McAndrew
While performing the upgrade procedures from 1.5.2 to 1.6.0, the email stopped working.  I traced it down to the setup.conf.php file where the encoded string had been changed from port 21 to port 25.  After changing this value, everything worked again.  I tried to track it down further, but didn't see anything.

How to repeat:
Install 1.5.2, perform upgrade to 1.6.0.
[8 Aug 2005 14:41] Joao Prado Maia

I cannot repeat your problem. Did you upgrade directly to 1.6.0 or did you do separate upgrades for each intermediate Eventum version?

The upgrade scripts wouldn't really touch the setup.conf.php file, so I'm not sure how this happened.

[8 Aug 2005 14:45] Patrick McAndrew
I upgraded directly to 1.6.0.  Its a very odd problem...was working fine before the upgrade and suddenly stopped working.  Took a bit of time to track down.  Not a big deal, but wanted you to be aware in case it occurs again.
