Bug #12350 Macintosh connection error using MySQL Administrator
Submitted: 3 Aug 2005 15:55 Modified: 10 Aug 2005 23:14
Reporter: Joshua Towle Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.0.22 OS:MacOS (Macintosh OS 10.4.2)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[3 Aug 2005 15:55] Joshua Towle
Upon attempting to connect to my MySQL server database, I receive this error:

"Connection Error

Could not connect to MySQL instance at evridon.com  Error: You have an 
error in your SQL syntax near 'interactive_timeout=1000000' at line 1 
(code 1064)

Click the 'Ping Host' button to see if there is a network problem."

Clicking the "Ping Host" button returns nothing.  The window expands and no error message appears.  Ironically, I have utilized two other free open-source clients, CocoaMySQL (http://cocoamysql.sourceforge.net/) and YourSQL 
(http://yoursql.ludit.it) to connect to my MySQL server database.  These clients do work and are error-free, so I tend to believe that there is a bug with the Macintosh MySQL Administrator application.

Thank you.

How to repeat:
Open MySQL Administrator on any Macintosh running operating system 10.4.x and attempt to connect to any MySQL server database.

Suggested fix:
I have zero idea.
[10 Aug 2005 23:14] Alfredo Kojima
MySQL Administrator and our other GUI tools are designed to work with MySQL versions 4.0 or newer. Although it's not mentioned in your report, apparently you are running version 3.x, which will not work. Please consider upgrading MySQL.