Bug #12250 two MySQL 5.0 entries in "Add/Remove Programs" menu
Submitted: 28 Jul 2005 21:20 Modified: 29 Oct 2008 9:04
Reporter: Carsten Segieth Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Installing Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.10a OS:Windows (Windows XP Home (german))
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[28 Jul 2005 21:20] Carsten Segieth
After installing first the "essential" package from the .msi and then the "full" packlage from the .exe there are two entries in the "Add/Remove Programs" (ARP) menu that looks identical. Only the Windows Installer used Product Codes are different, but this the 'standard' user doesn't see. 

Detected Product Codes:
{700A5C59-0A7B-40DD-ACC2-26F69157FE5C} = 5.0.10a "essential"
{BEB102D8-AEDE-41BF-BDD2-5FD6A9540218} = 5.0.10a "full"   

After unInstalling the first in the list (which is the essential, if I'm right) the remaining software is unusable as a lot of the files and  settings are removed. Using the REPAIR function doesn't help to make this runnable again. Only unInstalling using the remaining entry in the ARP menu and a completely new install helps.

How to repeat:
install first the essential and then the full package, then look into the "Add/Remove Programs" menu

Suggested fix:
- a first and fast help (without a real solution) could be to add " essential" to the description of the smaller package to enable the users (and our support) to see which version is meant

- check whether using the same product code for both packages helps, but then the update in both directions needs to be checked.
[31 Jul 2005 18:58] Jorge del Conde
Thanks for your bug report.

I reproduced this bug using WinXP/SP2 (english)
[29 Oct 2008 9:04] Sveta Smirnova
Problem still exists, but this is duplicate of bug #4217