Bug #12165 on COMPARE: Access Violation at address 0035FEBD in module 'libmysqlx.dll'.
Submitted: 25 Jul 2005 22:40 Modified: 22 Aug 2005 11:40
Reporter: Matt Evans Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Query Browser Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.1.13 OS:Windows (XP HOME)
Assigned to: Vladimir Kolesnikov CPU Architecture:Any

[25 Jul 2005 22:40] Matt Evans
I'm trying to attempt to do a resultset comparison on two different databases, both with the same structure, maybe just different rows.

Transaction_ID is the primary key in both Databases.
SELECT Transaction_ID, Real_Awp_UnitPrice, IsMac, Real_Date_Filled FROM BODY ORDER BY NDC ASC, Real_Date_Filled DESC

is the same SQL statement that I run on both different databases.

when I click the compare it says that error:
Access Violation at address 0035FEBD in module 'libmysqlx.dll'. Read of address 00000014 

My Steps are in How to Repeat:

                                  -Matt Evans

How to repeat:
1 have two databases with the structure and data.
2 Right click on DataBase1 and and select as default Schema on the right.
3 type in an SQL statement in the SQL Query Area.  
4 Execute the SQL normally
5 once finished, right click on the white area of the DataSet and Click Split Horizontally.
6 Now Click down in that new blank white area.
7 On the right, Select Database2, right click and Make it the Default Schema
8 Now click the Compare button, and then the error message comes up in the status bar.
[22 Aug 2005 11:40] Vladimir Kolesnikov
Thank you for your bug report. This issue has been committed to our
source repository of that product and will be incorporated into the
next release.

If necessary, you can access the source repository and build the latest
available version, including the bugfix, yourself. More information 
about accessing the source trees is available at