Bug #12 CASE ... ; and NULLs
Submitted: 11 Dec 2002 17:42 Modified: 26 Nov 2003 12:14
Reporter: Alexander Keremidarski Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:3.23.53 OS:Any (any)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[11 Dec 2002 17:42] Alexander Keremidarski
When CASE ... WHEN ... END; is used and under some condition it evaluates as NULL all consequent values also become NULL if result is used in 

while result is Ok otherwise

How to repeat:
create table a (b int); 
insert into a values (1), (2), (3); 

select b, case b when 2 then NULL else b end as c from a;
| b    | c    |
|    1 | 1    |
|    2 | NULL |
|    3 | 3    |

Now the BUG:

mysql> select b, case b when 2 then NULL else b end as c from a group by b;
| b    | c    |
|    1 | 1    |
|    2 | NULL |
|    3 | NULL |

create table d select b, case b when 2 then NULL else b end as c from a;
select * from d;
| b    | c    |
|    1 | 1    |
|    2 | NULL |
|    3 | NULL |

insert into d select b, case b when 2 then NULL else b end as c from a;
select * from d;
| b    | c    |
|    1 | 1    |
|    2 | NULL |
|    3 | NULL |
|    1 | 1    |
|    2 | NULL |
|    3 | NULL |

I simplified original report which contained:
SELECT ... MAX(CASE ...) ... GROUP BY ...;
result was wrong because as above shows that after frst NULL CASE evaluates as NULL so
 MAX(List_of_NULLs)  -> NULL
[27 Dec 2002 20:45] MySQL Developer
Fixed in 3.23.55