Bug #11850 | MySQL preference pane does not work at startup | ||
Submitted: | 10 Jul 2005 21:59 | Modified: | 7 Oct 2005 2:53 |
Reporter: | Stuart Jefferys | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server | Severity: | S3 (Non-critical) |
Version: | 4.1.12 | OS: | MacOS (OS X 10.4.1) |
Assigned to: | Lachlan Mulcahy | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[10 Jul 2005 21:59]
Stuart Jefferys
[11 Sep 2005 22:29]
Lachlan Mulcahy
Hi Stuart, I have tried to repeat your issue following the steps you described using 4.1.14 and 10.4.2 with no success so far. I simply installed the server from the pkg file, installed the pane and opened it and the server status was correctly detailed as 'stopped' (in red). Attempting to start the server prompted for my password and then worked just fine. Can you please try to reproduce the problem with 4.1.14?
[7 Oct 2005 2:53]
Stuart Jefferys
Problem has gone away without change to MySQL. Possibly after an OS update to 10.4.2.
[13 Oct 2005 15:04]
[ name withheld ]
I have this problem as well - and sometimes the pref pane locks up altogether. I have MAMP isntalled, but not running. Afer searching the web I found several other reports of this issue. I even tried another mySQL pref pane but that one had similar issues. OS X 10.4.2 / mySQL 4.1.12 running on APACHE web server I dont know what to do about fixing this...
[30 Dec 2005 23:10]
[ name withheld ]
The symptom, says "running" in green but button says start, can be replicated where starting mysqld quits right after starting due to an error. In my case, ownership of the mysql data folder prevented access to data files, including error logs. So the bug is, the pref pane should detect if mysqld has quit after starting up (at least where it can't really start at all). Extra credit: open a log file to display the error messages (just open any .log file with NSDesktop and it will display in Console.app). If you're seeing this symptom, try launching mysqld_safe in the Terminal, according to documentation on this site (such as "Starting and Troubleshooting the MySQL Server"), and see what errors you get. In my case, the original problem was doing an OS X Archive and Install, which moved the /usr folder (still invisible!) to the "Previous System" folder, and when the /usr/local/ folder containing mysql was moved back to the correct place, the owner/group were apparently wrong (root:wheel instead of mysql:mysql). Setting the latter owner and group allowed mySql to be started by the preference pane (but not actually from the command line, at least the way I was doing it).