Bug #117470 MySQL Workbench unable to handle https when checking for updates
Submitted: 14 Feb 13:04 Modified: 14 Feb 13:20
Reporter: Richard Quadling Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.41 OS:MacOS (Sequoia 15.2)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:ARM

[14 Feb 13:04] Richard Quadling
When attempting to check for updates using the Help -> Check for updates menu option, a dialog is displayed with the following content.

|         Check for updates failed        |
|                                         |
| <urlopen error unknown url type: https> |
|                                         |
|    Please verify that your internet     |
|        connection is available.         |
|                                         |
| +-------------------------------------+ |
| +                 OK                  + |
| +-------------------------------------+ |

No entries are written to the log.

How to repeat:
Select Help -> Check for updates on the menu.

Suggested fix:
Could be related to the way the OS is restricting relative path loading of libraries ("hardening" was the term I saw, but I was being over hacky and not an expert on this).

Considering the content of the URL being asked for is just the JSON of the latest version that's available ...

"fullversion": "8.0.41",
"major": "8",
"minor": "0",
"release": "41"

maybe removing the HTTP => HTTPS redirect on http://workbench.mysql.com/current-release would be the simplest way to fix this as it wouldn't require a new release of code and is instantly doable within your server setup.
[14 Feb 13:20] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Richard Quadling,

Thank you for the bug report.
As you have already noted, marking this as a duplicate of Bug #117369.
