Bug #117206 ERROR migrate or schema transfer wizard from Mysql 8.0.40 to Mysql 8.0.40
Submitted: 14 Jan 17:58 Modified: 15 Jan 11:46
Reporter: raffaele barone Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Stored Routines Severity:S7 (Test Cases)
Version:8.0.40 OS:Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Pro)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: WBBugReporter

[14 Jan 17:58] raffaele barone
----[For better reports, please attach the log file after submitting. You can find it in C:\Users\rbaro\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\log\wb.log]

if my database is composed of x tables, x views, x stored procedures and x functions, and one or more views use a function and one or more stored procedures use a function or a view, in the migration phase the views and procedures that have these references will NOT be migrated and will be reported as warnings. the workaround is 1) create the database without view stored proc and function
2) create the functions
3) create the views
4) create the stored proc
This does not happen for triggers that reference stored views or functions.
Also, with these errors the migration time is very long compared to the migration without errors.
Also, if in the creation of stored proc or triggers from the sql workbench editor I reference a function that does not exist, this error is not detected. I also report situations like this (I'm migrating an interbase database to mysql): in an insert in a table with a datetime field its value is 'now' (interbase syntax) and not now() the error is not reported and the insert is executed with the value 00-00-0000 in the date field. Thanks to anyone who wants to take these situations into consideration.

How to repeat:
if my database is composed of x tables, x views, x stored procedures and x functions, and one or more views use a function and one or more stored procedures use a function or a view, in the migration phase the views and procedures that have these references will NOT be migrated and will be reported as warnings. 
This does not happen for triggers that reference stored views or functions.

Suggested fix:
the workaround is 1) create the database without view stored proc and function
2) create the functions
3) create the views
4) create the stored proc
[14 Jan 18:05] raffaele barone
script migrate with warning

Attachment: migrate.sql (application/octet-stream, text), 692.13 KiB.

[14 Jan 18:13] raffaele barone
from Mysql 8.0.40 Windows WorkBench to Mysql 8.0.40 Container Docker Linux ubuntu 22.04
[14 Jan 18:16] raffaele barone
from Mysql 8.0.40 Container Docker Linux ubuntu 22.04 to Mysql 8.0.40 Windows WorkBench and Mysql 8.0.40 Windows WorkBench to Mysql 8.0.40 Windows WorkBench
[15 Jan 11:46] MySQL Verification Team
Hi Mr. barone,

Thank you for your bug report.

However, this is a forum for bugs with fully repeatable test cases. Each of these test cases should consist of a set  of SQL statements and a set of actions that always lead to the bug reported. You have not provided such a test case.

It is also unclear what kind of migration are you trying to achieve. From one version / release of MySQL to another, from one Workbench release to another or from one Docker release to another.

Thanks in advance.