Bug #117062 Cannot build mysql workbench on windows
Submitted: 28 Dec 2024 7:52 Modified: 30 Dec 2024 5:59
Reporter: Greg Knox Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:8.0.40 OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[28 Dec 2024 7:52] Greg Knox
It doesn't look like anyone was going to look at another bug I had opened a while back ( bug #110830 ) so I thought I'd try to implement it myself.

However, it doesn't appear to be possible to build MySQL Workbench using currently available tools. 

The solution ( .sln ) files in the github repository at https://github.com/mysql/mysql-workbench/blob/8.0/MySQLWorkbench.sln indicates Visual Studio 15 should be used ( a.k.a. Visual Studio 2017 ), but the only Visual Studio currently downloadable from Microsoft is Visual Studio 17 ( a.k.a. Visual Studio 2022 ).

I tried opening the project anyway ( upgrading the sln to 2022 ), but it appears most of the 3rd party libraries either no longer exist or do not compile on that release. 

The INSTALL file at https://github.com/mysql/mysql-workbench/blob/8.0/INSTALL#L74 says to "prepare pre-compiled binaries for all the 3rd party libraries that Workbench depends on" without saying what those dependencies are.

The only docs I could find on building this was at https://dev.mysql.com/blog-archive/compiling-wb-on-windows/ ( dated 2015-06-24, and building on Visual Studio 12 a.k.a. 2013 ), and describes having to download and install 22 separate thirdparty dependencies. 

I attempted to run through this list, but I got up to around five dependencies into the list before hitting a wall. 

Some of these are ancient ( e.g. cairo 1.8.8 ), and some no longer compile ( e.g. the headers in boost 1.55.0 ). google-ctemplate no longer exists and its archive site no longer exists.

I suspect that blog post is out of date anyway, is there a list of current dependencies or build instructions anywhere ? 

Whilst we're at it, is it possible to bring the .sln file up-to-date with a modern Visual Studio ?

Thanks in advance

How to repeat:
Attempt to build MySQL Workbench on Windows on a machine that hasn't built it before, using the information supplied in https://github.com/mysql/mysql-workbench/blob/8.0/INSTALL and https://dev.mysql.com/blog-archive/compiling-wb-on-windows/

Suggested fix:
* Update documentation on third-party dependencies 
* Update solution files to Visual Studio 2022
[30 Dec 2024 5:59] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Greg Knox,

Thank you for the report and feedback.
