Bug #117037 index dive estimate wrong
Submitted: 23 Dec 2024 8:48
Reporter: jump mason Email Updates:
Status: Open Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[23 Dec 2024 8:48] jump mason
The optimizer estimate much more rows( maybe 1k) than it actually should be( 1 rows ).

It is caused by tree structure changing between the interval of getting path1 and path2 in index dive.

In the function btr_estimate_n_rows_in_range_low(),  slot1 and slot2 are expected to fall in different pages if the diverged or diverged_lot is true. But the exception may be broken, and then  the rows estimation would expand rapidly.

How to repeat:
1) add a debug_sync between path1 and path2 in btr_estimate_n_rows_in_range_low:

  mtr_commit(&mtr);  // get path1 end
  DEBUG_SYNC(current_thd, "btr_estimate_n_rows_in_range_low_path1");
  mtr_start(&mtr);  // get path2 start

2) add log to tracking process:

  mtr_commit(&mtr);  // get path1 end
  DEBUG_SYNC(current_thd, "btr_estimate_n_rows_in_range_low_path1");
  mtr_start(&mtr);  // get path2 start
  for (i = 0;; ++i) {
    ...  // n_rows eatimate
    fprintf(stderr, "\n diverge %lu, diverge lot %lu\n", diverged,diverged_lot);
    fprintf(stderr, "path1 deepth %lu: page %u, nth_rec %lu, totol_rec %lu\n", i, slot1->page_no, slot1->nth_rec, slot1->n_recs);
    fprintf(stderr, "path2 deepth %lu: page %u, nth_rec %lu, totol_rec %lu\n", i, slot2->page_no, slot2->nth_rec, slot2->n_recs);

    fprintf(stderr, "n_rows=%ld\n", n_rows);

3) use the mtr case to repeat:

--source include/have_debug_sync.inc

    id INT,
    c1 CHAR(255),
    c2 CHAR(255),
    c3 CHAR(255),
    c4 CHAR(255),
    c5 CHAR(255),
    c6 CHAR(255),
    c7 CHAR(255),
    c8 CHAR(255),
    c9 CHAR(255),
    c10 CHAR(255),
    c11 CHAR(255),
    c12 CHAR(255),
    c13 CHAR(255),
    c14 CHAR(255),
    c15 CHAR(255),
    c16 CHAR(255),
	PRIMARY KEY pk(id,c1,c2,c3)
)engine = innodb;

delimiter $$;
CREATE PROCEDURE batch_insert(IN begin INT, IN end INT)
WHILE begin < end DO
insert into t1 values (end, 'data1_c1', 'data1_c2', 'data1_c3', 'data1_c4', 'data1_c5', 'data1_c6', 'data1_c7', 'data1_c8', 'data1_c9', 'data1_c10', 'data1_c11', 'data1_c12', 'data1_c13', 'data1_c14', 'data1_c15', 'data1_c16');
SET end = end - 1;
delimiter ;$$

call batch_insert(3, 89);

--echo # test for spliting between path1 and path2
--connection lookup

SET debug_sync='btr_estimate_n_rows_in_range_low_path1 WAIT_FOR data_insert';

set long_query_time=1000000;
set optimizer_trace_max_mem_size=163840000;
set optimizer_trace='enabled=on';

send select * from t1 where id=45;

--connection default
call batch_insert(-3, 3);
--sleep 1

SET debug_sync='now SIGNAL data_insert';

--connection lookup
select * from information_schema.optimizer_trace;

drop table t1;
drop procedure batch_insert;
set optimizer_trace=default;
set optimizer_trace_max_mem_size=default;
set long_query_time=default;

you can see the dive estimate rows to 43( half of table ) 

and the error log describes the process causing this:

 diverge 1, diverge lot 0
path1 deepth 0: page 4, nth_rec 1, totol_rec 2
path2 deepth 0: page 4, nth_rec 2, totol_rec 3

 diverge 1, diverge lot 1
path1 deepth 1: page 26, nth_rec 15, totol_rec 20
path2 deepth 1: page 26, nth_rec 14, totol_rec 19

 diverge 1, diverge lot 1
path1 deepth 2: page 20, nth_rec 3, totol_rec 3
path2 deepth 2: page 20, nth_rec 4, totol_rec 3

Suggested fix:
add a page_id check, in the  logical branch:
 else if (diverged && !diverged_lot) {
			/* If both slots point to the same page, but the two paths
			diverged. The tree must have changed between the dive for
			path1 and path2 at the beginning of this function. */
			if (slot1->page_no == slot2->page_no) {
				/* If the tree keeps changing even after a
				few attempts, then just return some arbitrary
				number. */
				if (nth_attempt >= rows_in_range_max_retries) {

				const int64_t	ret =
						index, tuple1, mode1,
						tuple2, mode2, nth_attempt + 1);
