The optimizer estimate much more rows( maybe 1k) than it actually should be( 1 rows ).
It is caused by tree structure changing between the interval of getting path1 and path2 in index dive.
In the function btr_estimate_n_rows_in_range_low(), slot1 and slot2 are expected to fall in different pages if the diverged or diverged_lot is true. But the exception may be broken, and then the rows estimation would expand rapidly.
How to repeat:
1) add a debug_sync between path1 and path2 in btr_estimate_n_rows_in_range_low:
mtr_commit(&mtr); // get path1 end
DEBUG_SYNC(current_thd, "btr_estimate_n_rows_in_range_low_path1");
mtr_start(&mtr); // get path2 start
2) add log to tracking process:
mtr_commit(&mtr); // get path1 end
DEBUG_SYNC(current_thd, "btr_estimate_n_rows_in_range_low_path1");
mtr_start(&mtr); // get path2 start
for (i = 0;; ++i) {
... // n_rows eatimate
fprintf(stderr, "\n diverge %lu, diverge lot %lu\n", diverged,diverged_lot);
fprintf(stderr, "path1 deepth %lu: page %u, nth_rec %lu, totol_rec %lu\n", i, slot1->page_no, slot1->nth_rec, slot1->n_recs);
fprintf(stderr, "path2 deepth %lu: page %u, nth_rec %lu, totol_rec %lu\n", i, slot2->page_no, slot2->nth_rec, slot2->n_recs);
fprintf(stderr, "n_rows=%ld\n", n_rows);
3) use the mtr case to repeat:
--source include/
id INT,
c1 CHAR(255),
c2 CHAR(255),
c3 CHAR(255),
c4 CHAR(255),
c5 CHAR(255),
c6 CHAR(255),
c7 CHAR(255),
c8 CHAR(255),
c9 CHAR(255),
c10 CHAR(255),
c11 CHAR(255),
c12 CHAR(255),
c13 CHAR(255),
c14 CHAR(255),
c15 CHAR(255),
c16 CHAR(255),
PRIMARY KEY pk(id,c1,c2,c3)
)engine = innodb;
delimiter $$;
CREATE PROCEDURE batch_insert(IN begin INT, IN end INT)
WHILE begin < end DO
insert into t1 values (end, 'data1_c1', 'data1_c2', 'data1_c3', 'data1_c4', 'data1_c5', 'data1_c6', 'data1_c7', 'data1_c8', 'data1_c9', 'data1_c10', 'data1_c11', 'data1_c12', 'data1_c13', 'data1_c14', 'data1_c15', 'data1_c16');
SET end = end - 1;
delimiter ;$$
call batch_insert(3, 89);
--echo # test for spliting between path1 and path2
--connection lookup
SET debug_sync='btr_estimate_n_rows_in_range_low_path1 WAIT_FOR data_insert';
set long_query_time=1000000;
set optimizer_trace_max_mem_size=163840000;
set optimizer_trace='enabled=on';
send select * from t1 where id=45;
--connection default
call batch_insert(-3, 3);
--sleep 1
SET debug_sync='now SIGNAL data_insert';
--connection lookup
select * from information_schema.optimizer_trace;
drop table t1;
drop procedure batch_insert;
set optimizer_trace=default;
set optimizer_trace_max_mem_size=default;
set long_query_time=default;
you can see the dive estimate rows to 43( half of table )
and the error log describes the process causing this:
diverge 1, diverge lot 0
path1 deepth 0: page 4, nth_rec 1, totol_rec 2
path2 deepth 0: page 4, nth_rec 2, totol_rec 3
diverge 1, diverge lot 1
path1 deepth 1: page 26, nth_rec 15, totol_rec 20
path2 deepth 1: page 26, nth_rec 14, totol_rec 19
diverge 1, diverge lot 1
path1 deepth 2: page 20, nth_rec 3, totol_rec 3
path2 deepth 2: page 20, nth_rec 4, totol_rec 3
Suggested fix:
add a page_id check, in the logical branch:
else if (diverged && !diverged_lot) {
/* If both slots point to the same page, but the two paths
diverged. The tree must have changed between the dive for
path1 and path2 at the beginning of this function. */
if (slot1->page_no == slot2->page_no) {
/* If the tree keeps changing even after a
few attempts, then just return some arbitrary
number. */
if (nth_attempt >= rows_in_range_max_retries) {
const int64_t ret =
index, tuple1, mode1,
tuple2, mode2, nth_attempt + 1);