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Bug #116860 mysql_stmt_bind_named_param() not respecting CLIENT_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES capability
Submitted: 3 Dec 2024 23:06 Modified: 6 Dec 2024 4:56
Reporter: Yoni Shalom Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: C API (client library) Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[3 Dec 2024 23:06] Yoni Shalom
The MySQL 8.4 C API mysql_stmt_bind_named_param() constructs and sends an invalid COM_STMT_EXECUTE packet when the number of bound parameters (both unnamed and named query attributes) exceeds the number of placeholder parameters (?) in the SQL query, and the server has the CLIENT_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES flag disabled. 

This issue leads to the server misinterpreting the packet structure, resulting in unexpected behavior during statement execution.  


For instance, consider a statement like SELECT ?, where the server expects only one parameter (num_params = 1 as returned by PREPARE response). If two unnamed parameters (e.g., 1, 2) are bound to the prepared statement, the server misinterprets the incoming packet, resulting in an invalid packet structure during execution.

This issue does not occur when CLIENT_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES is enabled because, in such cases, the client includes the parameter_count field in its packet to explicitly inform the server of how many parameters it should expect.

Expected Behavior:  

The client should construct a valid COM_STMT_EXECUTE packet that adheres to the server's expected structure, even when CLIENT_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES is disabled.  

Observed Behavior:  

* The MySQL 8.4 C API sends a malformed COM_STMT_EXECUTE packet, causing the server to misinterpret the packet structure.  
* The invalid packet structure arises because the client fails to account for the mismatch between the number of bound parameters and placeholder parameters in the absence of the CLIENT_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES flag.  

How to repeat:
1. Ensure CLIENT_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES is disabled on the server.  
2. Use the MySQL C API mysql_stmt_bind_named_param() to prepare and execute a statement like SELECT ?.  
3. Bind more parameters than the query expects. For example:  
    1. Query: SELECT ?  
    2. Bound Unnamed Parameters: {1}  
    3. Bound Named Parameters: {a = 2}
[4 Dec 2024 11:47] MySQL Verification Team

Thank you for the report. I verified it. I reduced the severity to S3 as this is not a S1 bug. One could discuss if this is a bug at all as if you do not want to enable CLIENT_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES it is up to you to make sure you are binding proper number of parameters. I'd use printf() as comparison example, if your number of parameters to printf do not match the format string you can get all kind of errors / crashes in your code, but that is not a bug in printf() but in your code. Same here. Anyhow, I did verify the report so we will see what the appropriate team will say about it, maybe we can make this safer.

Thanks for using MySQL
[6 Dec 2024 4:56] Yoni Shalom
> if you do not want to enable CLIENT_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES it is up to you to make sure you are binding proper number of parameters.

Since this has the potential of returning incorrect data, its probably best to be made safe (fail fast or similar) both on server and client end.
[6 Dec 2024 19:43] MySQL Verification Team

I do partially agree hence I verified the bug.