Bug #116777 | Performance of TPC-DS Query 47 | ||
Submitted: | 25 Nov 2024 19:50 | Modified: | 27 Nov 2024 12:42 |
Reporter: | JINSHENG BA | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Verified | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server: Optimizer | Severity: | S5 (Performance) |
Version: | 596f0d23 (9.0.0), 8.0.40 | OS: | Any |
Assigned to: | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[25 Nov 2024 19:50]
[25 Nov 2024 19:50]
The second query plan: EXPLAIN -> Limit: 100 row(s) (actual time=19984..19984 rows=100 loops=1) -> Sort: `(v1.sum_sales - v1.avg_monthly_sales)`, v2.nsum, limit input to 100 row(s) per chunk (actual time=19984..19984 rows=100 loops=1) -> Stream results (cost=254624 rows=1.41e+6) (actual time=16937..19964 rows=48019 loops=1) -> Nested loop inner join (cost=254624 rows=1.41e+6) (actual time=16937..19928 rows=48019 loops=1) -> Nested loop inner join (cost=62901 rows=136006) (actual time=16937..18479 rows=49940 loops=1) -> Filter: ((v1.d_year = 2000) and (v1.avg_monthly_sales > 0.000000) and ((case when (v1.avg_monthly_sales > 0.000000) then (abs((v1.sum_sales - v1.avg_monthly_sales)) / v1.avg_monthly_sales) else NULL end) > 0.1) and (v1.i_category is not null) and (v1.i_brand is not null) and (v1.s_store_name is not null) and (v1.s_company_name is not null)) (cost=3.38..44371 rows=13145) (actual time=16937..17028 rows=50288 loops=1) -> Table scan on v1 (cost=2.5..2.5 rows=0) (actual time=16937..16993 rows=63745 loops=1) -> Materialize CTE v1 if needed (cost=0..0 rows=0) (actual time=16937..16937 rows=63745 loops=1) -> Window aggregate: rank() OVER (PARTITION BY item.i_category,item.i_brand,store.s_store_name,store.s_company_name ORDER BY date_dim.d_year,date_dim.d_moy ) (actual time=16241..16309 rows=63745 loops=1) -> Sort: item.i_category, item.i_brand, store.s_store_name, store.s_company_name, date_dim.d_year, date_dim.d_moy (actual time=16241..16251 rows=63745 loops=1) -> Table scan on <temporary> (cost=2.5..2.5 rows=0) (actual time=16129..16160 rows=63745 loops=1) -> Temporary table (cost=0..0 rows=0) (actual time=16129..16129 rows=63745 loops=1) -> Window aggregate with buffering: avg(```sum(store_sales.ss_sales_price)```) OVER (PARTITION BY item.i_category,item.i_brand,store.s_store_name,store.s_company_name,date_dim.d_year ) (actual time=15603..16008 rows=63745 loops=1) -> Sort: item.i_category, item.i_brand, store.s_store_name, store.s_company_name, date_dim.d_year (actual time=15603..15611 rows=63745 loops=1) -> Table scan on <temporary> (actual time=15471..15532 rows=63745 loops=1) -> Aggregate using temporary table (actual time=15471..15471 rows=63745 loops=1) -> Nested loop inner join (cost=980819 rows=39439) (actual time=14.6..7959 rows=661185 loops=1) -> Nested loop inner join (cost=668636 rows=334481) (actual time=14.3..2941 rows=2.75e+6 loops=1) -> Inner hash join (store_sales.ss_store_sk = store.s_store_sk) (cost=356453 rows=334481) (actual time=14..2126 rows=2.75e+6 loops=1) -> Filter: (store_sales.ss_sold_date_sk is not null) (cost=4154 rows=278735) (actual time=0.449..1603 rows=2.88e+6 loops=1) -> Table scan on store_sales (cost=4154 rows=2.79e+6) (actual time=0.449..1428 rows=2.88e+6 loops=1) -> Hash -> Table scan on store (cost=2.2 rows=12) (actual time=13.5..13.5 rows=12 loops=1) -> Single-row index lookup on item using PRIMARY (i_item_sk=store_sales.ss_item_sk) (cost=0.0833 rows=1) (actual time=145e-6..168e-6 rows=1 loops=2.75e+6) -> Filter: ((date_dim.d_year = 2000) or ((date_dim.d_moy = 12) and (date_dim.d_year = <cache>((2000 - 1)))) or ((date_dim.d_moy = 1) and (date_dim.d_year = <cache>((2000 + 1))))) (cost=0.0833 rows=0.118) (actual time=0.00172..0.00173 rows=0.24 loops=2.75e+6) -> Single-row index lookup on date_dim using PRIMARY (d_date_sk=store_sales.ss_sold_date_sk) (cost=0.0833 rows=1) (actual time=0.00149..0.00151 rows=0.976 loops=2.75e+6) -> Filter: (v1.rn = (v1_lag.rn + 1)) (cost=0.0363..0.375 rows=10.3) (actual time=0.0161..0.0287 rows=0.993 loops=50288) -> Index lookup on v1_lag using <auto_key1> (i_category=v1.i_category, i_brand=v1.i_brand, s_store_name=v1.s_store_name, s_company_name=v1.s_company_name) (cost=0.0363..0.375 rows=10.3) (actual time=0.00695..0.0278 rows=12.6 loops=50288) -> Materialize CTE v1 if needed (query plan printed elsewhere) (cost=0..0 rows=0) (never executed) -> Filter: (v1.rn = (v1_lead.rn - 1)) (cost=0.0362..0.375 rows=10.3) (actual time=0.0194..0.0289 rows=0.962 loops=49940) -> Index lookup on v1_lead using <auto_key1> (i_category=v1.i_category, i_brand=v1.i_brand, s_store_name=v1.s_store_name, s_company_name=v1.s_company_name) (cost=0.0362..0.375 rows=10.3) (actual time=0.00673..0.028 rows=12.6 loops=49940) -> Materialize CTE v1 if needed (query plan printed elsewhere) (cost=0..0 rows=0) (never executed)
[27 Nov 2024 7:02]
MySQL Verification Team
Hello JINSHENG BA, Thank you for the report and feedback. I'm trying to reproduce the issue with provided details and get back to you if anything further needed. I assume you have tested against the default server settings(if this is not the case then please attach the configuration details to the report). regards, Umesh
[27 Nov 2024 12:42]
MySQL Verification Team
Hello JINSHENG BA, Thank you for the report and details. Observed this with 8.0.40 build. 8.0.40 - Joining the test results shortly. 8.4/9.1 - will test later this week/weekend and attach here regards, Umesh
[27 Nov 2024 12:42]
MySQL Verification Team
8.0.40 test results
Attachment: 116777.results (application/octet-stream, text), 45.49 KiB.