Bug #116777 Performance of TPC-DS Query 47
Submitted: 25 Nov 2024 19:50 Modified: 27 Nov 2024 12:42
Reporter: JINSHENG BA Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Optimizer Severity:S5 (Performance)
Version:596f0d23 (9.0.0), 8.0.40 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[25 Nov 2024 19:50] JINSHENG BA
For the query 47 in TPC-DS benchmark, the performance is:

-> Limit: 100 row(s)  (actual time=32870..32870 rows=100 loops=1)
    -> Sort: `(v1.sum_sales - v1.avg_monthly_sales)`, v2.nsum, limit input to 100 row(s) per chunk  (actual time=32870..32870 rows=100 loops=1)
        -> Stream results  (cost=434153 rows=1.05e+6) (actual time=29762..32849 rows=48019 loops=1)
            -> Nested loop inner join  (cost=434153 rows=1.05e+6) (actual time=29762..32813 rows=48019 loops=1)
                -> Nested loop inner join  (cost=68316 rows=101022) (actual time=29762..31305 rows=49940 loops=1)
                    -> Filter: ((v1.d_year = 2000) and (v1.avg_monthly_sales > 0.000000) and ((case when (v1.avg_monthly_sales > 0.000000) then (abs((v1.sum_sales - v1.avg_monthly_sales)) / v1.avg_monthly_sales) else NULL end) > 0.1) and (v1.i_category is not null) and (v1.i_brand is not null) and (v1.s_store_name is not null) and (v1.s_company_name is not null))  (cost=3.38..32958 rows=9764) (actual time=29762..29830 rows=50288 loops=1)
                        -> Table scan on v1  (cost=2.5..2.5 rows=0) (actual time=29762..29794 rows=63745 loops=1)
                            -> Materialize CTE v1 if needed  (cost=0..0 rows=0) (actual time=29762..29762 rows=63745 loops=1)
                                -> Window aggregate: rank() OVER (PARTITION BY item.i_category,item.i_brand,store.s_store_name,store.s_company_name ORDER BY date_dim.d_year,date_dim.d_moy )   (actual time=29004..29078 rows=63745 loops=1)
                                    -> Sort: item.i_category, item.i_brand, store.s_store_name, store.s_company_name, date_dim.d_year, date_dim.d_moy  (actual time=29004..29015 rows=63745 loops=1)
                                        -> Table scan on <temporary>  (cost=2.5..2.5 rows=0) (actual time=28893..28922 rows=63745 loops=1)
                                            -> Temporary table  (cost=0..0 rows=0) (actual time=28893..28893 rows=63745 loops=1)
                                                -> Window aggregate with buffering: avg(```sum(store_sales.ss_sales_price)```) OVER (PARTITION BY item.i_category,item.i_brand,store.s_store_name,store.s_company_name,date_dim.d_year )   (actual time=28346..28761 rows=63745 loops=1)
                                                    -> Sort: item.i_category, item.i_brand, store.s_store_name, store.s_company_name, date_dim.d_year  (actual time=28345..28354 rows=63745 loops=1)
                                                        -> Table scan on <temporary>  (actual time=28167..28273 rows=63745 loops=1)
                                                            -> Aggregate using temporary table  (actual time=28167..28167 rows=63744 loops=1)
                                                                -> Nested loop inner join  (cost=3.26e+6 rows=292938) (actual time=16.3..20123 rows=661185 loops=1)
                                                                    -> Nested loop inner join  (cost=2.8e+6 rows=2.48e+6) (actual time=15.5..15036 rows=2.75e+6 loops=1)
                                                                        -> Inner hash join (no condition)  (cost=21766 rows=210780) (actual time=14.3..105 rows=216000 loops=1)
                                                                            -> Table scan on item  (cost=204 rows=17565) (actual time=0.721..67.6 rows=18000 loops=1)
                                                                            -> Hash
                                                                                -> Table scan on store  (cost=2.2 rows=12) (actual time=13.6..13.6 rows=12 loops=1)
                                                                        -> Filter: ((store_sales.ss_store_sk = store.s_store_sk) and (store_sales.ss_sold_date_sk is not null))  (cost=1.4 rows=11.8) (actual time=0.0481..0.0683 rows=12.7 loops=216000)
                                                                            -> Index lookup on store_sales using PRIMARY (ss_item_sk=item.i_item_sk)  (cost=1.4 rows=118) (actual time=0.0272..0.0601 rows=160 loops=216000)
                                                                    -> Filter: ((date_dim.d_year = 2000) or ((date_dim.d_moy = 12) and (date_dim.d_year = <cache>((2000 - 1)))) or ((date_dim.d_moy = 1) and (date_dim.d_year = <cache>((2000 + 1)))))  (cost=0.0833 rows=0.118) (actual time=0.00174..0.00176 rows=0.24 loops=2.75e+6)
                                                                        -> Single-row index lookup on date_dim using PRIMARY (d_date_sk=store_sales.ss_sold_date_sk)  (cost=0.0833 rows=1) (actual time=0.00151..0.00154 rows=0.976 loops=2.75e+6)
                    -> Filter: (v1.rn = (v1_lag.rn + 1))  (cost=0.25..2.59 rows=10.3) (actual time=0.0164..0.0292 rows=0.993 loops=50288)
                        -> Index lookup on v1_lag using <auto_key1> (i_category=v1.i_category, i_brand=v1.i_brand, s_store_name=v1.s_store_name, s_company_name=v1.s_company_name)  (cost=0.25..2.59 rows=10.3) (actual time=0.00697..0.0283 rows=12.6 loops=50288)
                            -> Materialize CTE v1 if needed (query plan printed elsewhere)  (cost=0..0 rows=0) (never executed)
                -> Filter: (v1.rn = (v1_lead.rn - 1))  (cost=0.25..2.59 rows=10.3) (actual time=0.0199..0.03 rows=0.962 loops=49940)
                    -> Index lookup on v1_lead using <auto_key1> (i_category=v1.i_category, i_brand=v1.i_brand, s_store_name=v1.s_store_name, s_company_name=v1.s_company_name)  (cost=0.25..2.59 rows=10.3) (actual time=0.00698..0.0291 rows=12.6 loops=49940)
                        -> Materialize CTE v1 if needed (query plan printed elsewhere)  (cost=0..0 rows=0) (never executed)

If we apply this patch:

diff --git a/sql/sql_planner.cc b/sql/sql_planner.cc
index ad0c639abca..6a51a03aed1 100644
--- a/sql/sql_planner.cc
+++ b/sql/sql_planner.cc
@@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ double find_cost_for_ref(const THD *thd, TABLE *table, unsigned keyno,
         table->file->index_scan_cost(keyno, 1, num_rows);
     return index_read_cost.total_cost();
-  if (keyno == table->s->primary_key &&
-      table->file->primary_key_is_clustered()) {
+  if (!(keyno == table->s->primary_key &&
+      table->file->primary_key_is_clustered())) {
     const Cost_estimate table_read_cost =
         table->file->read_cost(keyno, 1, num_rows);
     return table_read_cost.total_cost();

We can get a much more efficient query plan (19 seconds) as attached:

The major difference is the second query plan uses ```Single-row index lookup on item```. Similarly, I am wondering whether we can optimize code anywhere to enable the second efficient query plan.

How to repeat:
I dumped the entire database: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mCwATIQtNwYftxVvMCNz6xgjvRDCrhtq/view?usp=sharing

Compile MySQL in two versions, one is original and the other is with the changed IF condition. Then compare the execution of the below query on both versions.

TPC-DS query 47:

with v1 as(
 select i_category, i_brand,
        s_store_name, s_company_name,
        d_year, d_moy,
        sum(ss_sales_price) sum_sales,
        avg(sum(ss_sales_price)) over
          (partition by i_category, i_brand,
                     s_store_name, s_company_name, d_year)
        rank() over
          (partition by i_category, i_brand,
                     s_store_name, s_company_name
           order by d_year, d_moy) rn
 from item, store_sales, date_dim, store
 where ss_item_sk = i_item_sk and
       ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk and
       ss_store_sk = s_store_sk and
         d_year = 2000 or
         ( d_year = 2000-1 and d_moy =12) or
         ( d_year = 2000+1 and d_moy =1)
 group by i_category, i_brand,
          s_store_name, s_company_name,
          d_year, d_moy),
 v2 as(
 select v1.i_category, v1.i_brand
        ,v1.d_year, v1.d_moy
        ,v1.sum_sales, v1_lag.sum_sales psum, v1_lead.sum_sales nsum
 from v1, v1 v1_lag, v1 v1_lead
 where v1.i_category = v1_lag.i_category and
       v1.i_category = v1_lead.i_category and
       v1.i_brand = v1_lag.i_brand and
       v1.i_brand = v1_lead.i_brand and
       v1.s_store_name = v1_lag.s_store_name and
       v1.s_store_name = v1_lead.s_store_name and
       v1.s_company_name = v1_lag.s_company_name and
       v1.s_company_name = v1_lead.s_company_name and
       v1.rn = v1_lag.rn + 1 and
       v1.rn = v1_lead.rn - 1)
  select  *
 from v2
 where  d_year = 2000 and    
        avg_monthly_sales > 0 and
        case when avg_monthly_sales > 0 then abs(sum_sales - avg_monthly_sales) / avg_monthly_sales else null end > 0.1
 order by sum_sales - avg_monthly_sales, nsum
 limit 100;
[25 Nov 2024 19:50] JINSHENG BA
The second query plan:

-> Limit: 100 row(s)  (actual time=19984..19984 rows=100 loops=1)
    -> Sort: `(v1.sum_sales - v1.avg_monthly_sales)`, v2.nsum, limit input to 100 row(s) per chunk  (actual time=19984..19984 rows=100 loops=1)
        -> Stream results  (cost=254624 rows=1.41e+6) (actual time=16937..19964 rows=48019 loops=1)
            -> Nested loop inner join  (cost=254624 rows=1.41e+6) (actual time=16937..19928 rows=48019 loops=1)
                -> Nested loop inner join  (cost=62901 rows=136006) (actual time=16937..18479 rows=49940 loops=1)
                    -> Filter: ((v1.d_year = 2000) and (v1.avg_monthly_sales > 0.000000) and ((case when (v1.avg_monthly_sales > 0.000000) then (abs((v1.sum_sales - v1.avg_monthly_sales)) / v1.avg_monthly_sales) else NULL end) > 0.1) and (v1.i_category is not null) and (v1.i_brand is not null) and (v1.s_store_name is not null) and (v1.s_company_name is not null))  (cost=3.38..44371 rows=13145) (actual time=16937..17028 rows=50288 loops=1)
                        -> Table scan on v1  (cost=2.5..2.5 rows=0) (actual time=16937..16993 rows=63745 loops=1)
                            -> Materialize CTE v1 if needed  (cost=0..0 rows=0) (actual time=16937..16937 rows=63745 loops=1)
                                -> Window aggregate: rank() OVER (PARTITION BY item.i_category,item.i_brand,store.s_store_name,store.s_company_name ORDER BY date_dim.d_year,date_dim.d_moy )   (actual time=16241..16309 rows=63745 loops=1)
                                    -> Sort: item.i_category, item.i_brand, store.s_store_name, store.s_company_name, date_dim.d_year, date_dim.d_moy  (actual time=16241..16251 rows=63745 loops=1)
                                        -> Table scan on <temporary>  (cost=2.5..2.5 rows=0) (actual time=16129..16160 rows=63745 loops=1)
                                            -> Temporary table  (cost=0..0 rows=0) (actual time=16129..16129 rows=63745 loops=1)
                                                -> Window aggregate with buffering: avg(```sum(store_sales.ss_sales_price)```) OVER (PARTITION BY item.i_category,item.i_brand,store.s_store_name,store.s_company_name,date_dim.d_year )   (actual time=15603..16008 rows=63745 loops=1)
                                                    -> Sort: item.i_category, item.i_brand, store.s_store_name, store.s_company_name, date_dim.d_year  (actual time=15603..15611 rows=63745 loops=1)
                                                        -> Table scan on <temporary>  (actual time=15471..15532 rows=63745 loops=1)
                                                            -> Aggregate using temporary table  (actual time=15471..15471 rows=63745 loops=1)
                                                                -> Nested loop inner join  (cost=980819 rows=39439) (actual time=14.6..7959 rows=661185 loops=1)
                                                                    -> Nested loop inner join  (cost=668636 rows=334481) (actual time=14.3..2941 rows=2.75e+6 loops=1)
                                                                        -> Inner hash join (store_sales.ss_store_sk = store.s_store_sk)  (cost=356453 rows=334481) (actual time=14..2126 rows=2.75e+6 loops=1)
                                                                            -> Filter: (store_sales.ss_sold_date_sk is not null)  (cost=4154 rows=278735) (actual time=0.449..1603 rows=2.88e+6 loops=1)
                                                                                -> Table scan on store_sales  (cost=4154 rows=2.79e+6) (actual time=0.449..1428 rows=2.88e+6 loops=1)
                                                                            -> Hash
                                                                                -> Table scan on store  (cost=2.2 rows=12) (actual time=13.5..13.5 rows=12 loops=1)
                                                                        -> Single-row index lookup on item using PRIMARY (i_item_sk=store_sales.ss_item_sk)  (cost=0.0833 rows=1) (actual time=145e-6..168e-6 rows=1 loops=2.75e+6)
                                                                    -> Filter: ((date_dim.d_year = 2000) or ((date_dim.d_moy = 12) and (date_dim.d_year = <cache>((2000 - 1)))) or ((date_dim.d_moy = 1) and (date_dim.d_year = <cache>((2000 + 1)))))  (cost=0.0833 rows=0.118) (actual time=0.00172..0.00173 rows=0.24 loops=2.75e+6)
                                                                        -> Single-row index lookup on date_dim using PRIMARY (d_date_sk=store_sales.ss_sold_date_sk)  (cost=0.0833 rows=1) (actual time=0.00149..0.00151 rows=0.976 loops=2.75e+6)
                    -> Filter: (v1.rn = (v1_lag.rn + 1))  (cost=0.0363..0.375 rows=10.3) (actual time=0.0161..0.0287 rows=0.993 loops=50288)
                        -> Index lookup on v1_lag using <auto_key1> (i_category=v1.i_category, i_brand=v1.i_brand, s_store_name=v1.s_store_name, s_company_name=v1.s_company_name)  (cost=0.0363..0.375 rows=10.3) (actual time=0.00695..0.0278 rows=12.6 loops=50288)
                            -> Materialize CTE v1 if needed (query plan printed elsewhere)  (cost=0..0 rows=0) (never executed)
                -> Filter: (v1.rn = (v1_lead.rn - 1))  (cost=0.0362..0.375 rows=10.3) (actual time=0.0194..0.0289 rows=0.962 loops=49940)
                    -> Index lookup on v1_lead using <auto_key1> (i_category=v1.i_category, i_brand=v1.i_brand, s_store_name=v1.s_store_name, s_company_name=v1.s_company_name)  (cost=0.0362..0.375 rows=10.3) (actual time=0.00673..0.028 rows=12.6 loops=49940)
                        -> Materialize CTE v1 if needed (query plan printed elsewhere)  (cost=0..0 rows=0) (never executed)
[27 Nov 2024 7:02] MySQL Verification Team

Thank you for the report and feedback.
I'm trying to reproduce the issue with provided details and get back to you if anything further needed.
I assume you have tested against the default server settings(if this is not the case then please attach the configuration details to the report).

[27 Nov 2024 12:42] MySQL Verification Team

Thank you for the report and details.
Observed this with 8.0.40 build.

8.0.40 - Joining the test results shortly.
8.4/9.1 - will test later this week/weekend and attach here

[27 Nov 2024 12:42] MySQL Verification Team
8.0.40 test results

Attachment: 116777.results (application/octet-stream, text), 45.49 KiB.