Bug #116477 do not update mysql workbench
Submitted: 25 Oct 5:06 Modified: 25 Oct 9:13
Reporter: AMAN GUPTA Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.34 OS:Windows (Microsoft Windows 10 Pro)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: WBBugReporter

[25 Oct 5:06] AMAN GUPTA
----[For better reports, please attach the log file after submitting. You can find it in C:\Users\hp\AppData\Roaming\MySQL\Workbench\log\wb.log]

How to repeat:
hello sir, when to update latest version of mysql workbench then I have seen an error that is do not update this it.
[25 Oct 9:13] MySQL Verification Team

Thank you for the report and feedback.
To investigate further this issue at our end, may I kindly request you
to launch workbench under debug mode (--log-level=debug3) and provide
unaltered workbench log file(more details about log are explained here

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it to this bug and change the status back to 'Open'.  

Thank you for your interest in MySQL.
