Bug #11647 Health / Create a New Graph: Caption for Line-Graph is not available
Submitted: 29 Jun 2005 21:26 Modified: 4 Oct 2005 15:21
Reporter: Shuichi Tamagawa Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Administrator Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.0.21 OS:Windows (Windows XP)
Assigned to: Mike Hillyer CPU Architecture:Any

[29 Jun 2005 21:26] Shuichi Tamagawa
When you create a new graph in Health page, you can not add a caption for Line-Graph type.

How to repeat:
Health -> Add new graph -> Select Line-Graph

Suggested fix:
Caption for Line graph should also be available.
[29 Sep 2005 11:13] Vladimir Kolesnikov
Mike, assigning it to you. 

The caption is not applicable to line graphs, so for line graphs this field is disabled, but the docs show an (outdated) screenshot where it is enabled for line graphs.

[4 Oct 2005 15:21] Mike Hillyer
Screenshot updated, text reworded to show that captions are not available for line graphs.