Bug #1163 Really cool idea! MyBash
Submitted: 29 Aug 2003 5:37 Modified: 1 Sep 2003 6:28
Reporter: Are you mortal Then prepare to die. Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:in my mind OS:Linux (linux)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[29 Aug 2003 5:37] Are you mortal Then prepare to die.
Hello, I always wanted mysql to behave a bit like bash?,


(bash like syntax)	(mysql equiv)

mysql> cd database;	(use database)
myslq> ls;		(show tables)
mysql> cd ..;		(? - no database seleced)
mysql> ls;		(show databases)

Given this principal it sould be possible to integrate mysql with
bash, so simply cd-ing into a special directory in the file system
would be like invoking mysql!


MySql is MOUNTED to a specific location in the directory tree!


(special mysql feature)		( bash equiv )

bash > cd /mysql                ( mysql -u -p -h etc... )

From within this directory we can now issue queries.

This would be so cool, and I think you could do it quite

Along these lines, why not make the whole file system based on mysql?
I.E. We can issue shell like mysql queries in any directory, in order
to move files about etc (like using myPerl to make system calls with
tables of files / directory structure)


How to repeat:
let your imagination go bonkers

Suggested fix:
DO IT!!!
[29 Aug 2003 6:00] Are you mortal Then prepare to die.
I just thought of some other stuff...

old-myslq> alter table old_table rename new_table
new-mysql> mv old_table new_table

etc etc... I.e. All db's = directories, all tables = files...
Then we just need a set of mappings i.e.

cat table == select * from table;
more table == select * from table; with a bit extra programming....
[1 Sep 2003 6:28] Sergei Golubchik


looks similar to your idea - though a very different implementation