Bug #115649 | Mixed quoting styles in SHOW CREATE TRIGGER | ||
Submitted: | 19 Jul 2024 11:38 | Modified: | 19 Aug 2024 12:24 |
Reporter: | dbForge Team | Email Updates: | |
Status: | In progress | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server: Stored Routines | Severity: | S3 (Non-critical) |
Version: | 8.0.38 | OS: | Linux (version_compile_machine: x86_64) |
Assigned to: | CPU Architecture: | Any | |
[19 Jul 2024 11:38]
dbForge Team
[19 Jul 2024 12:37]
MySQL Verification Team
Hi Mr. dbForge, Thank you for your bug report. However, this is not a bug. Setting sql_mode to empty string is not supported. Regarding ansi quotes that are fully explained here: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/identifiers.html If anything has to be done, that we shall update that page ..... Not a bug.
[19 Jul 2024 12:39]
MySQL Verification Team
Hi, This also looks like expected behaviour when you mix ansi quotes. We shall ask our Documentation team to update that page with a warning ..........
[19 Jul 2024 13:10]
Daniƫl van Eeden
I think both the `SHOW CREATE TRIGGER` statement and `information_schema.TRIGGERS` table show the `sql_mode` that was used for the `CREATE TRIGGER` statement. The `sql_mode` would likely also affect things like PIPES_AS_CONCAT, etc.
[19 Jul 2024 13:13]
MySQL Verification Team
Thank you Mr. Van Eeden.
[23 Jul 2024 10:03]
dbForge Team
The installation of an empty string is unnecessary; this behavior occurs with any sql_mode that does not include ansi_quotes. For instance: SET sql_mode = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'; CREATE TABLE ttrg_str(`col umn` varchar(100)); CREATE TRIGGER `t rg_str` BEFORE INSERT ON ttrg_str FOR EACH ROW SET NEW.`col umn` = "string"; SET sql_mode = 'ansi_quotes'; SHOW CREATE TRIGGER `t rg_str`; Output: CREATE DEFINER="root"@"%" TRIGGER "t rg_str" BEFORE INSERT ON "ttrg_str" FOR EACH ROW SET NEW.`col umn` = "string" In contrast, MySQL 5.7.36 provides a result with consistent quoting: CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` TRIGGER `t rg_str` BEFORE INSERT ON ttrg_str FOR EACH ROW SET NEW.`col umn` = "string" Notably, this issue does not impact stored procedures: CREATE TABLE `t1 1`(id INT PRIMARY KEY); SET sql_mode = 'no_engine_substitution'; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `p quotes`(i int) BEGIN SELECT id, "string" FROM `t1 1` ; END; $$ DELIMITER ; SET sql_mode = 'ansi_quotes'; SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE "p quotes"; Output: CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `p quotes`(i int) BEGIN SELECT id, "string" FROM `t1 1` ; END
[23 Jul 2024 10:24]
MySQL Verification Team
HI Mr. Team, We have informed our Documentation team to update the page in our Reference manual, regarding the manner in which ansi_quotes changes SHOW CREATE TRIGGER. However, we do not know whether it will be accepted, since both the `SHOW CREATE TRIGGER` statement and `information_schema.TRIGGERS` table show the `sql_mode` that was used for the `CREATE TRIGGER` statement. Also empty sql_mode is not supported. Not a bug.
[23 Jul 2024 11:55]
dbForge Team
Please inform us about these changes in the documentation. The script from SHOW CREATE TRIGGER cannot be executed in the sql_mode that SHOW CREATE TRIGGER returned.
[23 Jul 2024 12:00]
MySQL Verification Team
Hi, As soon as we know it, you will know it ...... However, before it is documented, our Development has to make a decision whether it is necessary or not. That decision will be probably made after the period of vacations .......
[23 Jul 2024 12:56]
Jon Stephens
Accepted as a Documentation issue, assigning to myself for resolution. Thanks!
[23 Jul 2024 14:16]
MySQL Verification Team
Thank you, Jon.
[13 Aug 2024 7:35]
dbForge Team
Hello, We still do not understand why this behavior is not considered a bug. My server is configured with ANSI_QUOTES set to ON. I execute the following script in one session: SET sql_mode = 'NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'; CREATE TABLE ttrg_str (`col umn` varchar(100)); CREATE TRIGGER `t rg_str` BEFORE INSERT ON ttrg_str FOR EACH ROW SET NEW.`col umn` = "string"; Then, I open a new session and execute the following query: SHOW CREATE TRIGGER `t rg_str`; I get the following DDL statement as a result: CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` TRIGGER "t rg_str" BEFORE INSERT ON "ttrg_str" FOR EACH ROW SET NEW.`col umn` = "string"; This is obviously invalid because if I turn ANSI_QUOTES off, the server considers the trigger and table names as string literals. Conversely, if ANSI_QUOTES is on, the trigger body is incorrect due to the unknown identifier "string". This behavior occurs only for triggers and only when executing SHOW CREATE in a session where the ANSI_QUOTES mode is different from the value used when the CREATE TRIGGER statement was executed. It is clear as a day that this is a bug.
[13 Aug 2024 9:48]
MySQL Verification Team
Hi, We already informed you that our Development team will make a decision on this bug report, after vacations. Vacations are not over yet ...... So, this can yet become a code bug, but you will have to wait on that decision.