Bug #115625 blob supports exceptions after java object serialization
Submitted: 17 Jul 2024 9:27 Modified: 17 Jul 2024 9:54
Reporter: en song Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.33 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[17 Jul 2024 9:27] en song
After the java object is serialized, it is stored in the corresponding column of the longblob type. If the encoding is set to utf8 in jdbcurl, the processing is normal. If the encoding is set to gbk, it is found that the length of the column value after being loaded into the library is 1 more than that in the utf8 scenario, resulting in the application of deserialization garbled code. The code of mysql-server is gbk. After comparison, it is found that there are problems in handling escape characters under gbk coding. The processing of binary in mysql-connector-java is to replace byte=0 with byte=\ and byte=0. The normal setbytes method can handle both encodings without any problems. Does the database server have any problems in processing binary?

How to repeat:
Set the encoding in jdbcurl to gbk, the encoding in mysql-server to gbk, and the java object to list, or use the cas project for simple login
[17 Jul 2024 9:54] MySQL Verification Team
Hi Mr. song,

Thank you for your bug report.

However, it is not clear from your report what are you reporting about, at all.

Also, this is a forum for the reports with fully repeatable test cases. Any such test case should consist of the serious of SQL statements leading to the result that you think is a bug.

You should also describe precisely why do you think that it is a bug.

You have not even stated whether you are reporting a bug in the server or in our Connector/J.

Can't repeat.