Bug #115406 Handler 'on_pod_create' failed temporarily: Sidecar of mycluster-0 is not yet...
Submitted: 22 Jun 6:07 Modified: 26 Jun 0:55
Reporter: Han Seung Sik Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Operator Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.4.0-2.1.3 OS:Ubuntu (22.04)
Assigned to: MySQL Verification Team CPU Architecture:x86

[22 Jun 6:07] Han Seung Sik
  Type     Reason                  Age    From                     Message
  ----     ------                  ----   ----                     -------
  Warning  FailedScheduling        5m1s   default-scheduler        0/6 nodes are available: pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims. preemption: 0/6 nodes are available: 6 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling.
  Normal   Scheduled               4m58s  default-scheduler        Successfully assigned innodbcluster/mycluster-0 to k8s-node-2
  Warning  FailedScheduling        5m2s   default-scheduler        0/6 nodes are available: pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims. preemption: 0/6 nodes are available: 6 Preemption is not helpful for scheduling.
  Error    Logging                 4m59s  kopf                     Handler 'on_pod_create' failed temporarily: Sidecar of mycluster-0 is not yet configured
  Normal   SuccessfulAttachVolume  4m58s  attachdetach-controller  AttachVolume.Attach succeeded for volume "pvc-ecc6b6f7-ff2b-4b1a-99e7-c1ed03b0dd80"
  Normal   Pulling                 4m51s  kubelet                  Pulling image "container-registry.oracle.com/mysql/community-operator:8.4.0-2.1.3"
  Error    Logging                 4m31s  kopf                     Handler 'on_pod_create' failed temporarily: Sidecar of mycluster-0 is not yet configured
  Normal   Started                 4m1s   kubelet                  Started container fixdatadir
  Normal   Created                 4m1s   kubelet                  Created container fixdatadir
  Normal   Pulled                  4m1s   kubelet                  Successfully pulled image "container-registry.oracle.com/mysql/community-operator:8.4.0-2.1.3" in 49.776s (49.776s including waiting)
  Error    Logging                 4m1s   kopf                     Handler 'on_pod_create' failed temporarily: Sidecar of mycluster-0 is not yet configured
  Normal   Pulling                 3m56s  kubelet                  Pulling image "container-registry.oracle.com/mysql/community-operator:8.4.0-2.1.3"
  Normal   Pulled                  3m56s  kubelet                  Successfully pulled image "container-registry.oracle.com/mysql/community-operator:8.4.0-2.1.3" in 479ms (479ms including waiting)
  Normal   Created                 3m56s  kubelet                  Created container initconf
  Normal   Started                 3m56s  kubelet                  Started container initconf
  Normal   Pulling                 3m54s  kubelet                  Pulling image "container-registry.oracle.com/mysql/community-server:8.4.0"
  Normal   Started                 3m35s  kubelet                  Started container initmysql
  Normal   Created                 3m35s  kubelet                  Created container initmysql
  Normal   Pulled                  3m35s  kubelet                  Successfully pulled image "container-registry.oracle.com/mysql/community-server:8.4.0" in 19.378s (19.378s including waiting)
  Error    Logging                 3m31s  kopf                     Handler 'on_pod_create' failed temporarily: Sidecar of mycluster-0 is not yet configured
  Error    Logging                 3m1s   kopf                     Handler 'on_pod_create' failed temporarily: Sidecar of mycluster-0 is not yet configured
  Error    Logging                 2m30s  kopf                     Handler 'on_pod_create' failed temporarily: Sidecar of mycluster-0 is not yet configured
  Error    Logging                 2m     kopf                     Handler 'on_pod_create' failed temporarily: Sidecar of mycluster-0 is not yet configured
  Error    Logging                 90s    kopf                     Handler 'on_pod_create' failed temporarily: Sidecar of mycluster-0 is not yet configured
  Error    Logging                 59s    kopf                     Handler 'on_pod_create' failed temporarily: Sidecar of mycluster-0 is not yet configured
  Error    Logging                 29s    kopf                     Handler 'on_pod_create' failed temporarily: Sidecar of mycluster-0 is not yet configured

then pod not created...

How to repeat:
kubectl create secret generic mypwds \
        --from-literal=rootUser=root \
        --from-literal=rootHost=% \

apiVersion: mysql.oracle.com/v2
kind: InnoDBCluster
  name: mycluster
  secretName: mypwds
  tlsUseSelfSigned: true
  instances: 3
    instances: 1

kubectl apply -f mycluster.yaml
[26 Jun 0:55] MySQL Verification Team

I am not able to reproduce this.
Can you still reproduce this?
[23 Sep 11:52] rafal rafal
I was facing the same issue.
Handler 'on_pod_create' failed temporarily: Sidecar of mycluster-0 is not yet configured
I've tested on version 8.4.0, 8.4.1 and 9.0.1 and kubernetes version 1.29
The issue for me was that the volumes I was trying to run the clusters on were too small 1GB, 2GB. Once I increased the pv size up to 8GB and more, whith exacly the same configuration everything was deployed without any issues.
I wonder what's the official minimum storage size requirement is?
I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere.