Bug #115349 | 8.4LTS Assertion `MDL_checker::is_read_locked(m_thd, *object)' dictionary_client | ||
Submitted: | 16 Jun 19:27 | Modified: | 18 Jun 1:57 |
Reporter: | Mikhail Izioumtchenko | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Verified | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Server: Optimizer | Severity: | S6 (Debug Builds) |
Version: | 8.4LTS-debug | OS: | Any |
Assigned to: | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[16 Jun 19:27]
Mikhail Izioumtchenko
[16 Jun 19:31]
Mikhail Izioumtchenko
Attachment: b.sql (application/octet-stream, text), 2.50 MiB.
[17 Jun 9:56]
MySQL Verification Team
Hello Mikhail, Thank you for the report and test case. Observed that 8.4.0 debug build is affected. Not sure what I'm missing but getting different asserts than your: mysqld-debug: ../../mysql-8.4.0/sql/iterators/composite_iterators.cc:3596: int {anonymous}::SpillState::read_next_row_secondary_overflow(): Assertion `false' failed. 2024-06-17T09:52:26Z UTC - mysqld got signal 6 ; Most likely, you have hit a bug, but this error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware. BuildID[sha1]=3e4b90e3952d5b3d4d43026265252902fdc6e1cc Thread pointer: 0x7f2ddc000da0 Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went terribly wrong... stack_bottom = 7f2e7c666b18 thread_stack 0x100000 #0 0x335ea6d print_fatal_signal at mysql-8.4.0/sql/signal_handler.cc:319 #1 0x335ec70 _Z19handle_fatal_signaliP9siginfo_tPv at mysql-8.4.0/sql/signal_handler.cc:399 #2 0x7f2ea6f7762f <unknown> #3 0x7f2ea5149387 <unknown> #4 0x7f2ea514aa77 <unknown> #5 0x7f2ea51421a5 <unknown> #6 0x7f2ea5142251 <unknown> #7 0x3716602 read_next_row_secondary_overflow at mysql-8.4.0/sql/iterators/composite_iterators.cc:3596 #8 0x37168c0 read_next_row at mysql-8.4.0/sql/iterators/composite_iterators.cc:3434 #9 0x3716e2e read_next_row at mysql-8.4.0/sql/iterators/composite_iterators.cc:2276 #10 0x371c373 MaterializeOperand at mysql-8.4.0/sql/iterators/composite_iterators.cc:2771 #11 0x371cb8a Init at mysql-8.4.0/sql/iterators/composite_iterators.cc:1644 #12 0x371c074 MaterializeOperand at mysql-8.4.0/sql/iterators/composite_iterators.cc:2759 #13 0x371cb8a Init at mysql-8.4.0/sql/iterators/composite_iterators.cc:1644 #14 0x371c074 MaterializeOperand at mysql-8.4.0/sql/iterators/composite_iterators.cc:2759 #15 0x371cb8a Init at mysql-8.4.0/sql/iterators/composite_iterators.cc:1644 #16 0x371c074 MaterializeOperand at mysql-8.4.0/sql/iterators/composite_iterators.cc:2759 #17 0x371cb8a Init at mysql-8.4.0/sql/iterators/composite_iterators.cc:1644 #18 0x32ad457 _ZN16Query_expression20ExecuteIteratorQueryEP3THD at mysql-8.4.0/sql/sql_union.cc:1771 #19 0x32ad6cd _ZN16Query_expression7executeEP3THD at mysql-8.4.0/sql/sql_union.cc:1834 #20 0x323c900 _ZN11Sql_cmd_dml13execute_innerEP3THD at mysql-8.4.0/sql/sql_select.cc:1059 #21 0x323feb0 _ZN11Sql_cmd_dml7executeEP3THD at mysql-8.4.0/sql/sql_select.cc:782 #22 0x31df0d9 _Z21mysql_execute_commandP3THDb at mysql-8.4.0/sql/sql_parse.cc:4737 #23 0x31e056f _Z20dispatch_sql_commandP3THDP12Parser_state at mysql-8.4.0/sql/sql_parse.cc:5392 #24 0x31e1c32 _Z16dispatch_commandP3THDPK8COM_DATA19enum_server_command at mysql-8.4.0/sql/sql_parse.cc:2136 #25 0x31e35c5 _Z10do_commandP3THD at mysql-8.4.0/sql/sql_parse.cc:1465 #26 0x33507a9 handle_connection at mysql-8.4.0/sql/conn_handler/connection_handler_per_thread.cc:304 #27 0x490b1f6 pfs_spawn_thread at mysql-8.4.0/storage/perfschema/pfs.cc:3051 #28 0x7f2ea6f6fea4 <unknown> #29 0x7f2ea5211b2c <unknown> #30 0xffffffffffffffff <unknown> Trying to get some variables. Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort. Query (7f2ddc06c5a0): SELECT col2,col8,col10,col11,col14,col16,col19,col21 FROM gts8.tt1 INTERSECT SELECT col2,col8,col10,col11,col14,col16,col19,col21 FROM gts8.tt1 WHERE NOT RTRIM(col11) IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT col2,col8,col10,col11,col14,col16,col19,col21 FROM gts8.tt1 WHERE TAN(col13) NOT LIKE ~'5678NOPQR6789i5678vwxyzSTU789012OPQRSX' EXCEPT ALL SELECT col2,col8,col10,col11,col14,col16,col19,col21 FROM gts8.tt1 WHERE NOT col14 < -col6 * -136 UNION ALL SELECT col2,col8,col10,col11,col14,col16,col19,col21 FROM gts8.tt1 WHERE NOT 10250 >> ASIN(col6) ^ ~63 DIV 14061 + -1 ^ -1 % ~45 ^ ~CEIL(col17) + col12 IS NULL UNION SELECT col2,col8,col10,col11,col14,col16,col19,col21 FROM gts8.tt1 WHERE ~'4BCDEabM23fgzbcd6789u9ABCDBCDEFklmz012hz0123RSTUVMNOPlmnokxjK45678pJKLMN123KEFGHI7bcdeftui5678rstuMNOPLMNuvcde' <=> 'X60123noGHI67FGHIJ012356' XOR ~0.334152877206186E9 IS NOT NULL XOR 'efghCDEmntuvXYZ231rstuv12ijklmklQ45676opqrsHtpqrsJKrstu567strstuOP67012Q9ABC3NOPQRBCDExyz0458IJ56FGHZ01fvwxyFGHIwxyz0ABCDESTUVWpqDEEFGDEFGZ Connection ID (thread ID): 8 Status: NOT_KILLED regards, Umesh
[18 Jun 1:48]
Mikhail Izioumtchenko
I have also seen the `false` assert though I don't remember having a simple testcase for that. I'll doublecheck my .sql files 2024-06-14: Also happens in 8.4. Correlated with using SELECT ... UNION/INTERSECT https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=115346 mysql-8.3.0/sql/iterators/composite_iterators.cc:2970: int materialize_iterator::SpillState::read_next_row_secondary_overflow(): Assertion `false' failed.
[18 Jun 1:57]
Mikhail Izioumtchenko
I consistently have the `MDL_checker assertion with the file I uploaded. For `false` the workaround was to limit SELECT X SELECT to X=UNION avoiding INTERSECT and EXCEPT