Bug #115275 MySQL Workbench fails when exporting database without process privledges
Submitted: 11 Jun 3:26 Modified: 25 Jun 12:55
Reporter: Nate Cartwright Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0.33, 8.0.36 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[11 Jun 3:26] Nate Cartwright
This is not a duplicate of https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=100219 as that has to do with the mysqldump tool and not MySQL Workbench. MySQL Workbench still needs to be updated to support the new flag available in mysqldump.

MySQL Workbench is missing critical functionality to dump databases from most web hosts that do not allow process permissions and require mysqldump to run the --no-tablespaces flag. MySQL Workbench has an Advanced tab where advanced features of mysqldump can be configured, but the --no-tablespaces flag is not one of those, and there is no other place to add manual flags to mysqldump. If MySQL Workbench won't be updated to add flags to the Advanced tab, a field to add manual flags should be added. This is basic functionality to be able to dump a modern database using MySQL Workbench on most webhosts.

How to repeat:
Attempt to export any 5.7.31 or 8.0.21+ database with a user that does not have the PROCESS privilege using the Export option in MySQL Workbench latest (8.0.29).

Suggested fix:
This can be fixed by allowing the --no-tablespaces flag to be set in the MySQL Workbench Advanced tab, along with all of the other 'advanced' mysqldump flags able to be set there.
[25 Jun 12:55] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Nate Cartwright,

Thank you for the reasonable feature request!

Ashwini Patil