Bug #114709 Binlog compression for the replica applier requires a replica thread restart
Submitted: 19 Apr 23:29 Modified: 6 May 11:49
Reporter: Mershad Irani Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Documentation Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0+ OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[19 Apr 23:29] Mershad Irani
When binlog_transaction_compression is turned ON globally on the replica, transactions executed by the replica applier thread are not written to the binary logs with a compressed transaction payload unless the replica thread is restarted. 

How to repeat:
1. execute the below statement to turn on binlog transaction compression on both source and replica.

set global binlog_transaction_compression=ON

2. Now execute a DML on the source. 

create database testdb;
use testdb;
create table t1(col1 int primary key auto_increment, col2 int);
insert into t1 values(1,1);

3. Now check the contents of the binarylogs on both the source and the replica. 

i.We see a compressed transaction payload(Transaction_payload)   on the source: 

| binarylog.014830 | 1023 | Gtid                | 1479660350 |        1102 | SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'd0a01eee-f3af-11ee-8e4f-0626efa814db:679936417'                                                       |
| binarylog.014830 | 1102 | Transaction_payload | 1479660350 |        1278 | compression='ZSTD', decompressed_size=187 bytes                                                                                 |
| binarylog.014830 | 1278 | Query               | 1479660350 |        1278 | BEGIN                                                                                                                           |
| binarylog.014830 | 1278 | Table_map           | 1479660350 |        1278 | table_id: 118 (testdb.t1)                                                                                                       |
| binarylog.014830 | 1278 | Write_rows          | 1479660350 |        1278 | table_id: 118 flags: STMT_END_F                                                                                                 |
| binarylog.014830 | 1278 | Xid                 | 1479660350 |        1278 | COMMIT /* xid=73642149235 */                                                                                                    |
16 rows in set (0.00 sec)

ii. However, we don't see a compressed transaction payload on the replica: 

| binarylog.031837 |  940 | Gtid                | 1479660350 |        1026 | SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'd0a01eee-f3af-11ee-8e4f-0626efa814db:679936417'                         |
| binarylog.031837 | 1026 | Query               | 1479660350 |        1098 | BEGIN                                                                                             |
| binarylog.031837 | 1098 | Table_map           | 1479660350 |        1149 | table_id: 117 (testdb.t1)                                                                         |
| binarylog.031837 | 1149 | Write_rows          | 1479660350 |        1193 | table_id: 117 flags: STMT_END_F                                                                   |
| binarylog.031837 | 1193 | Xid                 | 1479660350 |        1224 | COMMIT /* xid=7646873191 */                                                                       |

4. We also confirm this by querying performance_schema.binary_log_transaction_compression_stats.

On the source: 

mysql> select * from performance_schema.binary_log_transaction_compression_stats where  COMPRESSION_PERCENTAGE>0 \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                            LOG_TYPE: BINARY
                    COMPRESSION_TYPE: ZSTD
                 TRANSACTION_COUNTER: 679932574
            COMPRESSED_BYTES_COUNTER: 1352483300449
          UNCOMPRESSED_BYTES_COUNTER: 3621960328351
                FIRST_TRANSACTION_ID: d0a01eee-f3af-11ee-8e4f-0626efa814db:40
         FIRST_TRANSACTION_TIMESTAMP: 2024-04-06 03:25:40.946997
                 LAST_TRANSACTION_ID: d0a01eee-f3af-11ee-8e4f-0626efa814db:679936417
          LAST_TRANSACTION_TIMESTAMP: 2024-04-19 22:58:36.895799

On the replica the above query won't return any rows. 

5. Now restart the replica thread and re-run the insert on the source. 

On the Replica: 

stop replica;start replica;

On the Source: 
 insert into t1 values(2,2);

6. We see that the transaction payload is compressed on both the source and the replica. 

On the Source: 

|0a01eee-f3af-11ee-8e4f-0626efa814db:1-679936418                          |
| binarylog.014833 | 197 | Gtid                | 1479660350 |         276 | SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'd0a01eee-f3af-11ee-8e4f-0626efa814db:679936419' |
| binarylog.014833 | 276 | Transaction_payload | 1479660350 |         453 | compression='ZSTD', decompressed_size=187 bytes                           |
| binarylog.014833 | 453 | Query               | 1479660350 |         453 | BEGIN                                                                     |
| binarylog.014833 | 453 | Table_map           | 1479660350 |         453 | table_id: 118 (testdb.t1)                                                 |
| binarylog.014833 | 453 | Write_rows          | 1479660350 |         453 | table_id: 118 flags: STMT_END_F                                           |
| binarylog.014833 | 453 | Xid                 | 1479660350 |         453 | COMMIT /* xid=73642152167 */                                              |

On the Replica: 

| binarylog.031840 | 197 | Gtid                | 1479660350 |         283 | SET @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT= 'd0a01eee-f3af-11ee-8e4f-0626efa814db:679936419' |
| binarylog.031840 | 283 | Transaction_payload | 1479660350 |         451 | compression='ZSTD', decompressed_size=182 bytes                           |
| binarylog.031840 | 451 | Query               | 1479660350 |         451 | BEGIN                                                                     |
| binarylog.031840 | 451 | Table_map           | 1479660350 |         451 | table_id: 117 (testdb.t1)                                                 |
| binarylog.031840 | 451 | Write_rows          | 1479660350 |         451 | table_id: 117 flags: STMT_END_F                                           |
| binarylog.031840 | 451 | Xid                 | 1479660350 |         451 | COMMIT /* xid=7646876143 */                                               |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Suggested fix:
It would be ideal if binlog transaction compression for the replica applier threads can dynamically reflect on the replica without a replica restart. 

However, if this is something you consider by design, the below documentations should be updated to reflect this behavior, similar to the documentation for replica_parallel_workers. 



This would also apply to binlog_transaction_compression_level_zstd.
[30 Apr 9:15] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Mershad,

Thank you for the report and feedback.

[6 May 11:49] Jon Stephens
Fixed in the indicated places in the Manual, versions 8.0+ (mysqldoc rev 78515).

