Bug #114616 Can't create a table using the 'Create Table' page
Submitted: 10 Apr 19:56 Modified: 12 Apr 12:04
Reporter: Rob P Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:8.0.36 OS:MacOS
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:ARM (Mac Silicone)

[10 Apr 19:56] Rob P
The "create table" page of MySQL workbench is not functional. The input where you type the name of the table seems to be disabled. I can't enter a name or get a cursor in the input at all.

How to repeat:
Right click on the "Tables" menu item under one of the schemas in the Schemas panel and select "Create new table."
[12 Apr 12:04] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Rob,

Thank you for the bug report.
Imho this is duplicate of Bug #113667, please see Bug #113667.

Ashwini Patil