Bug #11427 | bytefx to connector 1.0.4 problem with SQL_BIG_SELECTS | ||
Submitted: | 18 Jun 2005 15:19 | Modified: | 1 Sep 2006 10:56 |
Reporter: | Christian Emond | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Duplicate | Impact on me: | |
Category: | Connector / NET | Severity: | S2 (Serious) |
Version: | 1.0.4 | OS: | Windows (windows xp) |
Assigned to: | Assigned Account | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[18 Jun 2005 15:19]
Christian Emond
[20 Jun 2005 9:30]
Vasily Kishkin
Could you please write some test case with big select and definitions of tables ?
[20 Jun 2005 16:23]
Christian Emond
it is with big select as this one i got problem. But, as i said, with the bytefx everything work fine. commande = New mysqlCommand("Select ass_telephone.*, vlan_telephone.no_vlan, locaux.no_complet_local, prise.no_prise, no_telephone FROM (((ass_telephone LEFT JOIN locaux ON ass_telephone.id_local = locaux.id_local) LEFT JOIN prise ON locaux.no_local = prise.no_local) LEFT JOIN no_telephone ON ass_telephone.id_dn1 = no_telephone.no_dn ) LEFT JOIN vlan_telephone ON ass_telephone.id_vlan = vlan_telephone.id_vlan Where ass_telephone.id_telephone = 5 ", conn) Thanks Christian
[22 Jun 2005 21:46]
Christian Emond
any idea??
[22 Jun 2005 22:35]
Reggie Burnett
Christian Can you create a simple function that shows the problem and send it and your table structure to me? I'll then try to reproduce it right away and fix it if there is a bug. Thanks
[22 Jul 2005 23:00]
Bugs System
No feedback was provided for this bug for over a month, so it is being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the information that was originally requested, please do so and change the status of the bug back to "Open".
[1 Sep 2006 7:53]
Brayan Johnes
I have the same problem but with Connector/Net 1.0.7
[1 Sep 2006 10:56]
MySQL Verification Team
This looks like a duplicate of bug #20023 Please disable connection pooling and see if problem goes away.