Bug #114236 Cursor using prepared=True ignores connection's custom converter class
Submitted: 6 Mar 2024 5:13 Modified: 13 Sep 2024 16:35
Reporter: Magnus Oxlund Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:Connector / Python Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.3.0 OS:MacOS (12.7.3)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:x86

[6 Mar 2024 5:13] Magnus Oxlund
When creating a cursor object with the argument `prepared=True`, any custom converter class configured for the connection object is ignored. Instead, Connector/Python's built-in MySQLConverter class is used as if no custom converter class were configured.

Tested using:

macOS 12.7.3
Python 3.12.2
Connector/Python (pip distribution) 8.3.0
MySQL Community Server for macOS x86_64 8.2.0

How to repeat:
# This example uses a custom MySQLConverter subclass to add a tzinfo object to
# Python datetime objects converted from DATETIME MySQL columns.

# Whether tzinfo is present on retrieved DATETIME columns indicates whether
# the custom converter is actually used.

import mysql.connector
from datetime import datetime, timezone

class TZAwareConverter(mysql.connector.conversion.MySQLConverter):
	def _datetime_to_python(cls, value, dsc=None):
		datetime_val = super()._datetime_to_python(value, dsc)
		tz_aware_dateimte_val = datetime_val.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
		return tz_aware_dateimte_val

connection = mysql.connector.connect(
	database = 'DEBUG',
	host = 'localhost',
	user = 'DEBUG',
	password = 'secret',
	converter_class = TZAwareConverter

cursor = connection.cursor(prepared=True) # Toggle between: prepared=True | prepared=False

cursor.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS DEBUG;')

cursor.execute('INSERT INTO DEBUG SET c1 = %(c1)s', {'c1': datetime.now()})

cursor.execute('SELECT c1 FROM DEBUG;')
result = cursor.fetchall()

# Output for prepared=True:
# [(datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 6, 11, 56, 21),)]

# Output for prepared=False:
# [(datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 6, 11, 56, 30, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),)]

# Always outputs the custom converter class regardless of cursor's prepared value:
# <class '__main__.TZAwareConverter'>
[13 Mar 2024 8:46] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Magnus Oxlund,

Thank you for the report and test case.

[13 Sep 2024 16:27] Oscar Pacheco
Hello Magnus,

Thanks for reaching us. 

We believe it does not make much sense (is not very practical) to support custom converters when working with prepared statements; writing them would not be a trivial job, and the use cases quite limited.

In this regard, prepared cursors do not support custom converters.

At the protocol level, communications with the server are based on a very particular protocol for prepared statements. To put you in perspective, the prepared statements operate over the [binary protocol](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/dev/mysql-server/latest/page_protocol_binary_resultset.html) while the others, over the [text protocol](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/dev/mysql-server/latest/page_protocol_com_query_response_text_re....

If we supported custom converters for prepared statements, the built-in conversion layer would be skipped; your converter would be getting the values as bytes, as in the text protocol case, but a different parsing process would be required.

For the text protocol, this is practical since it returns values that are easily processable/understandable by users. The binary protocol is not that intuitive, we believe it would be less practical as parsing the values would require to understand the binary protocol.

NOTE: mind that `mysql.connector.conversion.MySQLConverter` is a converter that assumes the values come from the text protocol. This converter would not work for the "prepared" case.

[13 Sep 2024 16:35] Oscar Pacheco
Posted by developer:
It is not a bug, but an enhancement.

We believe it does not make much sense (is not very practical) to support custom converters when working with prepared statements; writing them would not be a trivial job, and the use cases quite limited.

If we supported custom converters for prepared statements, the built-in conversion layer would be skipped; custom converters would be getting the values as bytes, as in the text protocol case, but a different parsing process would be required.

For the text protocol, this is practical since it returns values that are easily processable/understandable by users. The binary protocol is not that intuitive, we believe it would be less practical as parsing the values would require to understand the binary protocol.