Bug #114117 Slave Abnormally stoped out of io thread error:Unknown error noted
Submitted: 26 Feb 10:13 Modified: 21 Mar 6:20
Reporter: Maybe Maybe Email Updates:
Status: Unsupported Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Replication Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.7.24 OS:CentOS (7.8)
Assigned to: MySQL Verification Team CPU Architecture:x86 (Intel(R) Xeon(R),2 cpu,2.5GHZ,)
Tags: io thread error, slave error

[26 Feb 10:13] Maybe Maybe
     hi,I find my slaves throw io_thread error " Last IO Error: Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from  binary log: 'unknown error reading log event on the master; the first event 'mysq1-bin.000215' at 154, the last event read from './mysqi-bin.001832' at 3912,the last byte read from './mysq1-bin.001832' at  3912.'".

   So i stoped the slave,and exceute the command'change master to master_host='',master_user='root',master_password='Es123456',master_log_file='mysql-bin.001832',master_log_pos=3912;',then This will resume replication.

How to repeat:
Random occurrence
[26 Feb 11:16] MySQL Verification Team
Hi Mr. Maybe,

Thank you for your bug report.

However, let us inform you that 5.7 is no longer maintained.

Hence, if you can repeated the problem with 8.0 or higher versions, we would re-open your bug report, provided you send us a fully repeatable test case for those random replication interruptions .....

[26 Feb 17:43] MySQL Verification Team
This bug is fixed in 5.7 too, you just need to use the most recent 5.7.44

5.7.24 is years old.
[27 Feb 0:56] Maybe Maybe
Thank you very much for your reply. We will try to upgrade to version
[27 Feb 2:18] Maybe Maybe
Hi, I can't find the download link for MySQL 5.7.44(for Linux). Could you provide it to me,Thanks!
[27 Feb 13:16] MySQL Verification Team
[28 Feb 5:47] Maybe Maybe
[4 Mar 1:33] Maybe Maybe
could u tell me How to roll back MySQL version to 5.7.28 if encountering other compatibility issues after upgrading,thanks.
[18 Mar 9:07] Maybe Maybe
i cant find the related bug from bugs.mysql.com
[19 Mar 5:47] Maybe Maybe
hello,could u  provide a detailed explanation of this bug so that we can conduct targeted verification? Thanks!
[19 Mar 6:01] MySQL Verification Team
can you provide a reproducible test case?
[19 Mar 6:07] Maybe Maybe
The key is that the error message provided contains "unknown error", and this event mainly occurs when there are a large number of update operations, but it does not necessarily occur every time there are a large number of update operations.
[19 Mar 6:10] Maybe Maybe
Based on the MyIasm storage engine, binlog is in row mode(out of practical business needs)
[21 Mar 6:20] Maybe Maybe
hello,can u give some advise about this bug.thanks