Bug #113968 MySQL Router log filling up with error 1030
Submitted: 12 Feb 20:14 Modified: 13 Feb 15:37
Reporter: Keith Lammers Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Router Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.3.0 OS:Windows (Server 2019)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:x86

[12 Feb 20:14] Keith Lammers
This log line gets added to the MySQL Router log every 5 seconds.

2024-01-11 19:58:37 metadata_cache WARNING [12a8] Updating the router last_check_in in metadata failed: Error executing MySQL query "UPDATE mysql_innodb_cluster_metadata.v2_routers set last_check_in = NOW() where router_id = 3": UPDATE command denied to user 'redacted'@'redacted' for table 'v2_routers' (1142)

Upon investigation, the router account generated by cluster.setupRouterAccount indeed does not have UPDATE permissions on the mysql_innodb_cluster.metadata schema, but also, the "v2_routers" table that the error message refers to does not exist in the schema.

I've verified this issue on 3 separate machines running MySQL Router, and have also created a new router account using cluster.setupRouterAccount to confirm that it indeed does not give the user UPDATE permissions.

How to repeat:
1. Setup an InnoDB Cluster.
2. Use the cluster.setupRouterAccount MySQL Shell command to create a new router account.
3. Bootstrap MySQL Router using that account.
4. The log line in the description will be added every 5 seconds while MySQL Router is running.
[13 Feb 15:02] Keith Lammers
Update on this: It appears that my existing router users did not have the UPDATE permissions needed, but I'm not 100% sure how they were created. Creating new ones using cluster.setupRouterAccount does indeed work correctly, verified by checking SHOW GRANTS after creating the account. Please close out this issue.
[13 Feb 15:37] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Keith,

Thank you for confirming.
For now I'll close this report.
