Bug #113178 Temptable engine leads to performance degradation
Submitted: 22 Nov 2023 9:09 Modified: 13 Feb 2024 20:46
Reporter: xiaoyang chen Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine Severity:S5 (Performance)
Version:8.0, 8.0.35 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[22 Nov 2023 9:09] xiaoyang chen
When use temptable engine to build tmp table, it may lead to performance degradation for IN-Subs. 

How to repeat:
Repeat as follows:

create table trade (
`trade_id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`seller_id` bigint DEFAULT NULL,
`create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`pay_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`doudian_open_id` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`trade_id`),
KEY `pay_time` (`pay_time`),
KEY `seller_id` (`seller_id`,`create_time`),
KEY `idx_doudian_open_id` (`doudian_open_id`));

-- t1_in_range:
CREATE TABLE t1_in_range like trade;

INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) VALUES (6656, '2023-11-15 20:29:26', '2023-11-15 20:29:30', CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)));
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) VALUES (6656, '2023-11-15 20:29:27', '2023-11-15 20:29:30', CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)));
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) VALUES (6656, '2023-11-15 20:29:27', '2023-11-15 20:29:30', CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)));
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) VALUES (6656, '2023-11-15 20:30:26', '2023-11-15 20:30:30', CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)));
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) VALUES (6656, '2023-11-15 20:30:26', '2023-11-15 20:30:30', CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)));
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) VALUES (6656, '2023-11-15 20:30:26', '2023-11-15 20:30:30', CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)));
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) VALUES (6656, '2023-11-15 20:30:26', '2023-11-15 20:30:30', CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)));
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) VALUES (6656, '2023-11-15 20:30:26', '2023-11-15 20:30:30', CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)));

INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_in_range;

CREATE TABLE t1_not_in_range like trade;

INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) VALUES (6656, '2022-11-15 20:29:26', '2023-11-15 20:29:30', CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)));
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) VALUES (6656, '2022-11-15 20:29:27', '2023-11-15 20:29:30', CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)));
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) VALUES (6656, '2022-11-15 20:29:27', '2023-11-15 20:29:30', CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)));
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) VALUES (6656, '2022-11-15 20:30:26', '2023-11-15 20:30:30', CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)));
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) VALUES (6656, '2022-11-15 20:30:26', '2023-11-15 20:30:30', CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)));
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) VALUES (6656, '2022-11-15 20:30:26', '2023-11-15 20:30:30', CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)));
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) VALUES (6656, '2022-11-15 20:30:26', '2023-11-15 20:30:30', CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)));
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) VALUES (6656, '2022-11-15 20:30:26', '2023-11-15 20:30:30', CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)));

INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_not_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_not_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_not_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_not_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_not_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_not_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_not_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_not_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_not_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_not_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_not_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_not_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_not_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_not_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_not_in_range;
INSERT INTO t1_not_in_range (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, CONCAT('1@#xC8', substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72), substring(md5(rand()), 1, 72)) from t1_not_in_range;

create table trade_000001(
`trade_id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`seller_id` bigint DEFAULT NULL,
`create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`pay_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`doudian_open_id` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`trade_id`),
KEY `pay_time` (`pay_time`),
KEY `seller_id` (`seller_id`,`create_time`),
KEY `idx_doudian_open_id` (`doudian_open_id`));

INSERT INTO trade_000001 (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id from t1_in_range;
INSERT INTO trade_000001 (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id from t1_in_range;
INSERT INTO trade_000001 (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id from t1_not_in_range;
INSERT INTO trade_000001 (seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, pay_time, doudian_open_id from t1_not_in_range;

create table shop_buyer_000001(
`shop_buyer_id` bigint NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`seller_id` bigint DEFAULT NULL,
`buyer_frist_pay_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`doudian_open_id` varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`shop_buyer_id`),
KEY `idx_doudian_open_id` (`doudian_open_id`)

INSERT INTO shop_buyer_000001 (seller_id, buyer_frist_pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, pay_time, doudian_open_id from t1_in_range;
INSERT INTO shop_buyer_000001 (seller_id, buyer_frist_pay_time, doudian_open_id) SELECT seller_id, create_time, doudian_open_id from t1_not_in_range;

mysql> show variables like '%tmp%';
| Variable_name                   | Value                      |
| default_tmp_storage_engine      | InnoDB                     |
| innodb_tmpdir                   |                            |
| internal_tmp_mem_storage_engine | TempTable                  |
| replica_load_tmpdir             | /home/xychen/tools/run/tmp |
| slave_load_tmpdir               | /home/xychen/tools/run/tmp |
| tmp_table_size                  | 1073741824                 |
| tmpdir                          | /home/xychen/tools/run/tmp |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> set tmp_table_size = 64 * 16777216;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT
    ->         count( DISTINCT doudian_open_id )
    -> FROM
    ->         (
    ->         SELECT
    ->                 doudian_open_id
    ->         FROM
    ->                 (
    ->                         (
    ->                         SELECT
    ->                                 buyer.doudian_open_id AS doudian_open_id
    ->                         FROM
    ->                                 trade_000001 trade,
    ->                                 shop_buyer_000001 buyer
    ->                         WHERE
    ->                                 trade.doudian_open_id = buyer.doudian_open_id
    ->                                 AND trade.seller_id = 6656
    ->                                 AND buyer.seller_id = 6656
    ->                                 AND buyer.buyer_frist_pay_time >= '2023-01-01 00:00:00'
    ->                                 AND buyer.buyer_frist_pay_time <= '2023-11-30 23:59:59' AND trade.doudian_open_id IN (
    ->                                   SELECT doudian_open_id FROM trade_000001 trade WHERE seller_id = 6656 AND trade.pay_time >= '2022-11-14'
    ->                                   GROUP BY
    ->                                         trade.doudian_open_id
    ->                                   HAVING
    ->                                         count( 1 ) >= 1
    ->                                 )
    ->                         )
    ->                 ) x2
    ->         ) tmp;
| count( DISTINCT doudian_open_id ) |
|                            524288 |
1 row in set (5 min 24.07 sec)

mysql> set internal_tmp_mem_storage_engine = MEMORY;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT
    ->         count( DISTINCT doudian_open_id )
    -> FROM
    ->         (
    ->         SELECT
    ->                 doudian_open_id
    ->         FROM
    ->                 (
    ->                         (
    ->                         SELECT
    ->                                 buyer.doudian_open_id AS doudian_open_id
    ->                         FROM
    ->                                 trade_000001 trade,
    ->                                 shop_buyer_000001 buyer
    ->                         WHERE
    ->                                 trade.doudian_open_id = buyer.doudian_open_id
    ->                                 AND trade.seller_id = 6656
    ->                                 AND buyer.seller_id = 6656
    ->                                 AND buyer.buyer_frist_pay_time >= '2023-01-01 00:00:00'
    ->                                 AND buyer.buyer_frist_pay_time <= '2023-11-30 23:59:59' AND trade.doudian_open_id IN (
    ->                                   SELECT doudian_open_id FROM trade_000001 trade WHERE seller_id = 6656 AND trade.pay_time >= '2022-11-14'
    ->                                   GROUP BY
    ->                                         trade.doudian_open_id
    ->                                   HAVING
    ->                                         count( 1 ) >= 1
    ->                                 )
    ->                         )
    ->                 ) x2
    ->         ) tmp;
| count( DISTINCT doudian_open_id ) |
|                            524288 |
1 row in set (1 min 8.43 sec)


Suggested fix:
Cleary, the MEMORY (ie., ha_heap) engine is faster than Temptable engine. However, with the perf data we find that "memset" wastes too may cpus.

+   95.11%     0.00%  connection       mysqld                  [.] mysql_execute_command
+   95.11%     0.00%  connection       mysqld                  [.] Sql_cmd_dml::execute
+   95.06%     0.00%  connection       mysqld                  [.] Query_expression::execute
+   95.06%     0.00%  connection       mysqld                  [.] Query_expression::ExecuteIteratorQuery
+   94.85%     0.01%  connection       mysqld                  [.] AggregateIterator::Read
+   93.81%     0.01%  connection       mysqld                  [.] NestedLoopIterator::Read
+   93.79%     0.01%  connection       mysqld                  [.] FilterIterator::Read
+   91.57%     0.02%  connection       mysqld                  [.] Item_cond_and::val_int
+   91.57%     0.02%  connection       mysqld                  [.] Item::val_bool
+   91.49%     0.00%  connection       mysqld                  [.] Item_in_optimizer::val_int
+   91.47%     0.01%  connection       mysqld                  [.] Item_in_subselect::val_bool_naked
+   91.30%     0.01%  connection       mysqld                  [.] Item_subselect::exec
+   91.29%     0.00%  connection       mysqld                  [.] subselect_hash_sj_engine::exec
+   91.28%     0.02%  connection       mysqld                  [.] ExecuteExistsQuery
+   90.82%     0.01%  connection       mysqld                  [.] TABLE::empty_result_table
+   90.81%     0.00%  connection       mysqld                  [.] Query_expression::ClearForExecution
+   90.80%     0.01%  connection       mysqld                  [.] temptable::Handler::delete_all_rows
+   90.79%     0.01%  connection       mysqld                  [.] JOIN::reset
+   90.72%    90.72%  connection       libc-2.24.so            [.] __memset_avx2_erms
+    2.32%     0.03%  connection       mysqld                  [.] RefIterator<false>::Read
+    1.92%     0.12%  connection       mysqld                  [.] row_search_mvcc
+    1.87%     0.01%  connection       mysqld                  [.] handler::ha_index_read_map
+    1.65%     0.01%  connection       mysqld                  [.] ha_innobase::index_read

Check the source code, we find that 

inline void Table::truncate() {
  if (!m_all_columns_are_fixed_size) {
    for (auto element : m_rows) {
      Row *row = static_cast<Row *>(element);

  /* Truncate indexes even if `m_indexes_are_enabled` is false. Somebody may
   * use truncate() before enabling indexes and we don't want an empty m_rows
   * with some stale data inside the indexes. */
  for (auto &entry : m_index_entries) {

void Hash_unique::truncate() { m_hash_table.clear(); }

m_hash_table.clear() is called too many times. 

Just fix:

diff --git a/storage/temptable/src/index.cc b/storage/temptable/src/index.cc
index a39e3d4f8..20455a25d 100644
--- a/storage/temptable/src/index.cc
+++ b/storage/temptable/src/index.cc
@@ -264,7 +264,9 @@ void Hash_unique::erase(const Cursor &target) {

-void Hash_unique::truncate() { m_hash_table.clear(); }
+void Hash_unique::truncate() {
+   if (!m_hash_table.empty()) m_hash_table.clear();

With this patch, the execution time is reduced to 17s.

mysql> SELECT
    ->         count( DISTINCT doudian_open_id )
    -> FROM
    ->         (
    ->         SELECT
    ->                 doudian_open_id
    ->         FROM
    ->                 (
    ->                         (
    ->                         SELECT
    ->                                 buyer.doudian_open_id AS doudian_open_id
    ->                         FROM
    ->                                 trade_000001 trade,
    ->                                 shop_buyer_000001 buyer
    ->                         WHERE
    ->                                 trade.doudian_open_id = buyer.doudian_open_id
    ->                                 AND trade.seller_id = 6656
    ->                                 AND buyer.seller_id = 6656
    ->                                 AND buyer.buyer_frist_pay_time >= '2023-01-01 00:00:00'
    ->                                 AND buyer.buyer_frist_pay_time <= '2023-11-30 23:59:59' AND trade.doudian_open_id IN (
    ->                                   SELECT doudian_open_id FROM trade_000001 trade WHERE seller_id = 6656 AND trade.pay_time >= '2022-11-14'
    ->                                   GROUP BY
    ->                                         trade.doudian_open_id
    ->                                   HAVING
    ->                                         count( 1 ) >= 1
    ->                                 )
    ->                         )
    ->                 ) x2
    ->         ) tmp;
| count( DISTINCT doudian_open_id ) |
|                            524288 |
1 row in set (17.16s)

[22 Nov 2023 12:54] MySQL Verification Team
Hi Mr. chen,

Thank you very much for your bug report.

We were fully able to repeat it and to verify that your patch works.

Thank you for your report and especially for your patch.

Verified as reported.
[7 Dec 2023 14:49] Rahul Sisondia
Hi xiaoyang chen, 

Thanks for contribution to MySQL.  May I also know which exact version of 8.0 that you used to verify your findings.
[11 Dec 2023 9:04] xiaoyang chen
Verified it in MySQL 8.0.27, 8.0.32 and 8.0.34.
[11 Dec 2023 11:17] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you Mr. chen,

We have verified your report for all releases of 8.0 and 8.2.
[11 Dec 2023 11:33] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you Mr. chen,

We have verified your report for all releases of 8.0 and 8.2.
[22 Dec 2023 7:16] MySQL Verification Team
Test results - 8.0.35

Attachment: 113178_8.0.35.log (application/octet-stream, text), 48.97 KiB.

[13 Feb 2024 20:46] Philip Olson
Posted by developer:
Fixed as of the upcoming MySQL Server 8.0.37 and 8.4.0 releases, and here's the proposed changelog entry from the documentation team:

Running a query that used a unique hash index with the TempTable storage
engine could take significantly more time compared to running the query
with the MEMORY engine.

Our thanks to xiaoyang chen for the contribution.

Also, thank you for the bug report.
[19 Feb 2024 11:23] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you, Philip.