Bug #113082 Workbench Won't Open or Create Model File on MAC Sonoma (It Crashes)
Submitted: 14 Nov 2023 20:05 Modified: 15 Nov 2023 11:09
Reporter: Rodrigo Gomide RLGomide Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:8.0.34 OS:MacOS (SONOMA)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:ARM (SONOMA)
Tags: crashes, mac, sonoma, workbench

[14 Nov 2023 20:05] Rodrigo Gomide RLGomide
Openning an existing workbench data model or try to create a new one, workbench crashes and finnish.

How to repeat:
Open Workbench on a MAC OS SONOMA.

1. Try to create a new data model by clicking in the (+) plus icon. It will crash;

2. Try to open an existing data model. It will crash;
[15 Nov 2023 11:09] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Rodrigo,

Thank you for the bug report.
Imho this is duplicate of Bug #112440, please see Bug #112440.

Ashwini Patil