Bug #112818 Script editor never reports end of execution for use db then any sql
Submitted: 24 Oct 2023 18:17 Modified: 25 Oct 2023 6:08
Reporter: Kaiwang CHen (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:Shell VSCode Extension Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.13.5 OS:MacOS
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[24 Oct 2023 18:17] Kaiwang CHen
Script editor never reports end of execution for "use db; select 1". If the executed commands are reversed, "select 1; use db;" it is fine.

How to repeat:
1. Connect to a MySQL instance (8.0.34),
2. In the OPEN EDITORS view, click the "New MySQL Script" icon next to the connection node, cursor moves into the script editor, Untitled-1
3. In the script editor, type

use test;
select 1;

4. Click "Execute the script and print the the result as text"

"Execute ..." icons become disabled and "Stop execution ..." icon become high-lighted, however, it never returns to the state to execute the script unless switching to some other editor and back again.

Suggested fix:
Looks like some message is needed to update the UI.
[25 Oct 2023 6:08] MySQL Verification Team
Hello Kaiwang,

Thank you for the report and feedback.
