Bug #112595 MySql.Data >= 8.0.32 has a reference to a 64-bit DLL (gssapi64.dll)
Submitted: 3 Oct 2023 10:24 Modified: 4 Dec 2023 12:10
Reporter: Camille Guerin Email Updates:
Status: Analyzing Impact on me:
Category:Connector / NET Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:8.0.32+ OS:Any
Assigned to: MySQL Verification Team CPU Architecture:Any

[3 Oct 2023 10:24] Camille Guerin

Since the update of our MySQL.Data nuget package from version 8.0.31 to 8.0.32 we are unable to use our application on 32-bit OS.

After analyzing the refences from the MySql.Data.dll we can see that a refences to gssapi64.dll has been added in 8.0.32.

I guess you should change that to gssapi32.dll to allow MySql.Data.dll to be used on 32-bit only OS.


How to repeat:
 - Build a 32-bit executable using MySql.Data.dll
 - Run the exe on a 32-bit OS
[3 Oct 2023 10:28] Camille Guerin
Screenshot of the references difference between 8.0.31 and 8.1.0 (identical with 8.0.32)

Attachment: mysql_data.png (image/png, text), 25.77 KiB.

[3 Oct 2023 10:57] Camille Guerin
Updated version impacted
[3 Oct 2023 10:58] Camille Guerin
updated version impacted
[3 Oct 2023 13:37] Camille Guerin
This seems to be due to the Kerberos remove then re-added feature:



The MIT provide a 32-bit version of their Kerberos library:

[4 Dec 2023 12:10] Camille Guerin
This ticket is now 2 months old and I never got any response...