Bug #11146 MySQL Server crashes apparently randomly with remote ssl connections
Submitted: 7 Jun 2005 18:55 Modified: 8 Jul 2005 0:30
Reporter: [ name withheld ] Email Updates:
Status: Can't repeat Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:4.1.10, 4.1.11, & 4.1.12 OS:Windows (Windows Server 2003)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[7 Jun 2005 18:55] [ name withheld ]
I have a ssl-enabled version of MySQL compiled from source which includes HAVE_OPENSSL.  It works fine on my XP developement machine and seemingly fine on the production Server 2003 machine.  However, occationally there will be an SSL error and the server will shutdown.  Note that this only happens on the Server 2003 computer and never happens on the XP computer.

How to repeat:
Compile MySQL Server with ssl, set up certificates, and put on a Server 2003 computer.  Repeatedly connect to the server using ssl remotely until an ssl error occurs.  This will cause the crash.

Suggested fix:
[7 Jun 2005 19:21] MySQL Verification Team
Could you please provide a test case for to be able at my side
the server shutdown. Also which version did you compiled an
optimized or debug server.

Also please read the bug:


if your case can be related to the same cause.

Thanks in advance.
[7 Jun 2005 19:50] [ name withheld ]
My problem sounds very similar to 
However, I cannot attest to the cause of this problem being the same.  One other difference between the server 2003 machine and the XP is that the Server 2003 machine has 2 xeon processors and the XP has one Pentium 4.  I don't know if that would affect it, but I suppose it is just as likely as the operating system.

I compiled the Max-nt version of MySQL Server.
[7 Jun 2005 20:47] [ name withheld ]
Sometimes the error I get is as follows:

"ERROR 2013 (HY000) at line 658: Lost connection to MySQL server during query"

Again, this only happens on the Server 2003 machine and only when using ssl.

If there is anything I can provide, let me know.

Thank you.
[7 Jun 2005 23:15] MySQL Verification Team
Ok I will compile a server and to test it on Windows 2003 server,
in the hope to repeat.

Thank you for the feedback.
[22 Jun 2005 21:12] [ name withheld ]
My problem sounds similar to bug:


If you notice we have the same 2 Xeon processors and 2GB of ram on our production server.  However, my Windows XP doesn't show this problem and it only has one Pentium 4.  This suggests that it is the 2 Xeon processors or HT technology that is causing the problem.  I almost always use ssl, so it is possible that it is not related to ssl, i have not tried a non ssl version on my Windows Server 2003 machine for security reasons.
[8 Jul 2005 0:30] MySQL Verification Team
I was unable to reproduce this issue on Windows 2003 Server
Standard Edition.