Bug #111318 block_nested_loop optimizer wrong result?
Submitted: 7 Jun 2023 14:36 Modified: 7 Jun 2023 14:42
Reporter: Pedro Ferreira Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Optimizer Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:8.0 OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: block_nested_loop

[7 Jun 2023 14:36] Pedro Ferreira
Run the queries:

INSERT INTO t0(c0) VALUES ('A'),('B'),('C'),(NULL);

SET @@SESSION.OPTIMIZER_SWITCH = 'block_nested_loop=off';
SELECT c0, c1 FROM (SELECT t0.c0, CASE WHEN lead(5) OVER () THEN 1 WHEN t0.c0 THEN 2 END FROM t0 STRAIGHT_JOIN (SELECT COUNT(1) WHERE FALSE) x(c0) USING (c0)) t0(c0,c1) ORDER BY c0, c1;

| c0   | c1   |
| A    |    1 |
| B    |    1 |
| C    | NULL |

SET @@SESSION.OPTIMIZER_SWITCH = 'block_nested_loop=on';
SELECT c0, c1 FROM (SELECT t0.c0, CASE WHEN lead(5) OVER () THEN 1 WHEN t0.c0 THEN 2 END FROM t0 STRAIGHT_JOIN (SELECT COUNT(1) WHERE FALSE) x(c0) USING (c0)) t0(c0,c1) ORDER BY c0, c1;

| c0   | c1   |
| A    | NULL |
| B    |    1 |
| C    |    1 |

Despite the explicit order by clause in the outermost query, the query results are different. Is this a bug?

The compilation parameters are the same as issue 108148:

-DWITH_DEBUG=1 -DWITH_ASAN=ON -DWITH_UBSAN=ON and boost library version 1.77

How to repeat:
Run the queries above.
[7 Jun 2023 14:42] MySQL Verification Team
HI Mr. Ferreira,

Thank you for your bug report.

We managed to repeat your test case:

| c0   | c1   |
| A    |    1 |
| B    |    1 |
| C    | NULL |
| c0   | c1   |
| A    | NULL |
| B    |    1 |
| C    |    1 |

In our opinion, this is a bug.

Verified as reported.