Bug #111209 | mysql.connector.connect fails if I specify the database name | ||
Submitted: | 31 May 2023 5:04 | Modified: | 3 Jun 2023 18:55 |
Reporter: | Vijaya Krishna Kasula | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Can't repeat | Impact on me: | |
Category: | Connector / Python | Severity: | S2 (Serious) |
Version: | OS: | Windows | |
Assigned to: | CPU Architecture: | x86 |
[31 May 2023 5:04]
Vijaya Krishna Kasula
[31 May 2023 6:36]
MySQL Verification Team
Hello Kasula, Thank you for the report and test case. Could you please provide exact python test script which is failing along with the error message? I quickly tried(had to alter a bit to make it work) with the provided test case but not seeing any issues on Windows. Thank you. -- regardless of commented or un commented the line database=data['database'] import mysql.connector import sys import platform print("OS: {} {}".format(platform.system(), platform.release())) print("Python:", format(sys.version)) driver = mysql.connector print("Driver: {} {}".format(driver.__name__, driver.__version__)) data = {"host": "localhost", "user": "root", "password":"mysql123","port":3306, "database": "sakila"} con = mysql.connector.connect( host=data['host'], user=data['user'], password=data['password'], port=data['port'], # database=data['database'], use_pure=True ) print(con) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute(f"use {data['database']};") cur.execute('SHOW TABLES;') print(len(cur.fetchall())) - OS: Windows 10 Python: 3.11.0 (main, Oct 24 2022, 18:26:48) [MSC v.1933 64 bit (AMD64)] Driver: mysql.connector 8.0.33 <mysql.connector.connection.MySQLConnection object at 0x000001CFFE54F990> 23 Press any key to continue . . . regards, Umesh
[31 May 2023 11:20]
Vijaya Krishna Kasula
Hi Umesh, I just had the dictionary data defined in my code apart from what I gave in the bug report. That was the minimal code I used to trigger the bug. My DB host is remote only visible if I connect to my Work VPN. Hence, I can not give that to you to reproduce the bug. Is there any other way I can demonstrate the bug with some remote host that yu and I can connect to? Krishna
[3 Jun 2023 18:55]
Vijaya Krishna Kasula
Hi Umesh Is there anything I can do to help you reproduce the bug. Krishna