Bug #11106 extra letter at end of auto-pasted query
Submitted: 5 Jun 2005 19:31 Modified: 5 Jun 2005 20:52
Reporter: Chris Calabro Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Query Browser Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:1.1.10 OS:Windows (windows xp pro)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[5 Jun 2005 19:31] Chris Calabro
double clicking on a table, say customer, in the schemata window inserts the query 'SELECT * FROM customer c'.  notice that this ends in a 'c'.  no matter what table is chosen, the first letter of the table name gets appended to the end of the query.  e.g. clicking on table revenue pastes the query 'SELECT * FROM revenue r'.  i was expecting something more like 'SELECT * FROM revenue' or perhaps 'SELECT * FROM revenue;'

How to repeat:
double click on a table in the schemata window.
[5 Jun 2005 20:52] Michael G. Zinner
QB automatically adds a table alias to the select. This is a normal behaviour.

SELECT * FROM product p, order_has_product o
WHERE p.idproduct=o.idproduct

And, there is no need to use a delimiter in the query area.